Summer Foods. Know What to Eat on Hotter Days

We don't always stop to think about this, but the truth is that, when it comes to eating as healthy as possible, it's important to look at the foods that are specific to each season. Summer fruits and vegetables, for example, are a valuable help to keep us more energetic, active and healthy, hydrating our body and protecting your skin, so that it is much better prepared and protected from ultraviolet rays.

At a time like this, the natural protection of our skin is, without a doubt, a central theme. With the sun becoming more intense and temperatures rising, anything that allows us to be more protected is welcome. Rich in beta-carotene, carrots are an excellent antioxidant and also contain vitamin A, which largely protects us. Added to this is the beneficial effect of tomatoes, which, being rich in lycopene, are also a very powerful antioxidant when it comes to facilitating the elimination of free radicals, preventing premature aging of our skin, something that happens through the action of UV rays.

On the other hand, as always, hydration also deserves our full attention. In addition to drinking water — at least 1.5 liters every day — we must replenish our fluids through the consumption of seasonal organic summer vegetables and fruits (cucumbers, watermelon, tomatoes, melons, etc.), which contain a lot of water in our bodies. help keep the body fresh and more hydrated.

Why is it so important to consume what is organic and in season?

There are several reasons why it is crucial that we choose seasonal foods that are organic:

  • Your health is grateful, thanks to the absence of chemicals (pesticides and fertilizers) in these foods;
  • We have access to more flavor and more nutrients;
  • Harvest time is respected, allowing the preservation of important components such as calcium, magnesium and iron;
  • The products are fresher and are not subject to artificial ripening processes;
  • The environment benefits, as cultivation is carried out on fertile soils, preserving biodiversity, and carbon dioxide emissions are reduced, thanks to reduced distribution distances.

Therefore, we suggest you add foods such as tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, carrots, peppers, plums, grapes and blackberries to your summer diet. Take advantage of the best that Nature offers us and become healthier to face another summer with fullness.

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