Improve Your Diet With Six More Conscious Choices

Melhore a Sua Alimentação Com Seis Escolhas Mais Conscientes

January is the month of new beginnings. How about starting by improving your diet with some simple gestures? Sometimes, it's not easy to follow a diet, due to all the hustle and bustle of our daily lives. However, if we change small things, we can see results more easily. The change will not have to be drastic, but rather conscious. Small changes can make all the difference. Follow the tips below.

1. Zucchini replacing pasta.

A courgette is very tasty, and nowadays we find utensils that imitate the form of spaghetti, rather than actually having to consume it.

2. Coconut water to replace natural juices.

A Fruit, despite being natural, contains sugar. There are no sugars that harm the our health, but they can change our diet. In this way, coconut water is more hydrating and is rich in potassium and electrolytes.

3. Baked sweet potatoes instead of French fries.

Forget the fried ones, definitely. And if you can't live without potatoes, swap them for sweet potato, and always do it in the oven. The result is much tastier and a thousand times healthier.

4. Avocado instead of mayonnaise.

A fat will always have to be part of our diet, and avocado is healthy and Natural. There are several ways to consume avocado instead of mayonnaise. Try adding a few drops of lemon, a little salt and pepper.

5. Banana ice cream to replace traditional ice cream.

If freeze bananas and then grind them in a blender, the result is surprising. There are also those who put yogurt or add other fruits. The ideal replacement for any ice cream.

6. Cauliflower instead of rice.

Ideal for a lighter meal at dinner. If you are “dependent” on rice, choose always basmati rice or black rice.

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