Dry Shampoo: Yes or No?

You wake up in the morning and know you have a long day ahead. Brush your teeth, wash your face, get in the bathtub and think: “Do I still have time to wash my hair?” The answer seems obvious: with dry shampoo, you will save much more time. But is this alternative as healthy as it is “miraculous”?

Typically made with a starch component, this shampoo is used to eliminate and absorb sebum — the natural scalp oil that makes hair oily after a few days without washing — and can also be used in hairstyles to create volume.

However, when using this product, there are some very common mistakes that we have all made and that can result in gray roots and dull, dry hair.

Is it safe to use dry shampoo?

As convenient as it is to use a spray to make your hair look cleaner, using too much dry shampoo can lead to hair breakage, clogged follicles or even hair loss.

Occasional use of this product is safe for most people. But using it too often or for prolonged periods can damage your hair and cause scalp problems.

Additionally, according to Healthline , some commercial dry shampoos contain talc, a mineral that, in its natural state, can contain particles of asbestos, a known carcinogen.

Does dry shampoo clean hair?

No. It just absorbs the oil from your hair, making it less noticeable. Dry shampoo does not remove oil or dirt as effectively as shampoo and water.

Can dry shampoo cause hair loss?

Some research reveals that poor scalp health can cause hair loss. When hair emerges from follicles that have been damaged by a bacterial or fungal infection, the hair fiber is not properly anchored within the follicle. This way, the new hair is more likely to fall out.

The Benefits

The biggest advantage of using dry shampoo is the fact that it prevents us from having to wash our hair so often, saving us time.

Dry shampoo helps keep your hair looking cleaner for a day or so between washes, but to prevent it from causing damage to your strands or scalp, experts recommend that you use it for no more than two days in a row.

How to apply:

  • Hold the container about 15 centimeters away from your head;
  • Spray your hair, not your scalp;
  • Spray only the areas where oil is most noticeable;
  • Use your fingers or a comb to loosen any spills that have accumulated near your roots, distributing them evenly across oily areas.

The importance of washing

Keeping your hair clean and hydrated, according to your specific needs, is the best way to take care of it. You can opt for an organic dry shampoo in order to avoid the chemicals present in most of these types of products.

Source: Healthline

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