Disposable Cotton or Organic Cotton: Which is the Best Option for Makeup Removing?

Apparently, we are moving in the right direction on the topic of sustainability. “Green” alternatives are increasing rapidly and, practically every day, something new appears that will help us move in this direction. However, despite there being a lot of talk about issues related to plastic, the truth is that there is another material, whose impact has taken a backseat: cotton.

Often used in our beauty routine, cotton pads for removing makeup cause more damage to the environment than you might think. The cultivation of this fiber, especially that which is not of organic origin, has a very negative impact on Mother Earth. This is because the chemicals used there pollute rivers and significantly impact our ecosystems, even interfering with local wildlife. The amount of water used in the production of conventional cotton is also alarming, especially in the textile industry, where 20,000 liters of water can be needed to produce just one piece. Precisely for this reason, the production and use of organic cotton becomes truly important, which, although it does not completely reduce its harmful impact, already reduces it considerably.

This is why it is important to rethink habits and become more environmentally conscious. We should reconsider the issue of make-up remover cotton pads, as well as the entire facial care regime that is part of our lives, every night (if you are one of those people who puts on make-up daily, you know what we are talking about). Wearing makeup doesn't just involve moisturizing your face, it also involves a whole cleaning process that can actually be difficult for the well-being of our planet. And all of this thanks to the enormous quantities of records, wipes and paper that we end up using up every night that passes.

Cotton cultivation is considered one of the most polluting in the world, due to the intense use of insecticides, the most dangerous chemicals for human and animal health.

About conventional cotton pads:

We know them well and we know that when we use them, they follow one after the other towards the nearest trash can. As a rule, we find them in any supermarket – in plastic packaging – and at an affordable price. Its biggest disadvantage is the negative impact that its production has on the environment, resulting in increased water costs and the use of chemicals that harm nature and those who work there.

About organic cotton pads:

There are some of these products for sale in paper packaging, something that is, in itself, advantageous, as it reduces the use of plastic. Unlike the traditional option, which is disposable, this version can be reused by washing after each use. In fact, when it comes to its production in agricultural terms, we can say that it is a more sustainable option. The counter-argument arises, on the other hand, in the need for washing, since every time we intend to use a disc again, we will be using up a fundamental resource, which is water.

What is the best option?

Sustainability is not fundamentalism. Reusable cotton pads are always better than disposable ones. However, the best option ends up being to complement both versions. This way, your consumption will be reduced as well as your environmental impact. Always using the organic option may not always be the most practical option, especially when we lead a busy life and all we need is a cleaning gesture that doesn't require a lot of our time. Balance your choices and reduce your ecological footprint with small gestures.

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