Discover the Wonders of one of the Most Tasty Teas Ever

It has blueberries, hibiscus, rosehip, sage, a little mint and is the promise of a moment of serenity and flavor in disconcerting times. If you can't spare that precious time you keep for yourself and the little pleasures in life – like enjoying tea – then this is the comforting drink you'll want to enjoy in the comfort of your own home.

All of the above ingredients mentioned are loaded with benefits for our health. Now, imagine being able to bring them all together in one cup. Get to know a little about the its unique nutritional qualities.


Sweet, colorful, nutritious and very popular, blueberries are incredibly healthy. Categorized as a superfood, it is low in calories, increases health heart and is the king of antioxidant foods, which protect the body from free radicals.

According to Healthline , Blueberries can also help brain function and improve memory. O Blueberry tea, in turn, contains gallic acid, a natural antioxidant with properties anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic.


Colorful and cultivated around the world, the hibiscus flower is known for its medicinal characteristics, especially when used in teas. Some studies suggest that hibiscus tea helps reduce blood pressure and control cholesterol.

Other research indicates that hibiscus may help with weight loss, improve heart and liver health, and help combat certain bacteria. As it contains flavonoids and anthocyanins, which have properties antioxidants, this plant can also be a support for heart health.

Drinking hibiscus tea can help alleviate issues digestive problems, such as stomach pain, as it helps to relax the smooth muscle of the intestine.


In addition to being beautiful, the fruit bulbs that appear below the Roses are rich in nutrients and antioxidants. Rosehip – species of fruit that grows on the rose plant – is commonly used in teas, whose flavor appears slightly floral.

The high levels of antioxidants present in this fruit transform any tea into a drink capable of strengthening the immune system, help with weight loss and improve the appearance of the skin, combating its aging, thanks to the presence of vitamins C and A.


In times remote areas was used for culinary and medicinal purposes in Greece and Egypt, but today it is used to combat sore throat, memory loss and digestive. Sage is a plant used to add a touch of flavor special to certain dishes, but it is when we use it in tea that We understand your full potential.

Full of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, sage tea promotes health skin, also reducing the risk of heart disease.


Peppermint leaves offer a way healthy way to add flavor to meals, without needing to resort to seasonings that pose health risks. Very low in calories, these leaves help reduce cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of obesity, at the same time time in which they provide us with a considerable amount of vitamin A, as well as small amounts of other vitamins, which improve the appearance of the skin and delay aging.

When added to tea, mint can help improve digestion, freshen breath and improve concentration, decreasing headaches and improving allergy symptoms.

Buy this wonderful tea here!

You can purchase this powerful drink in our online store, using this link .

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