Discover the Benefits of Five Essential Oils

Although unknown to some of us, the truth is that essential oils have countless beneficial properties for you and your health. These “miracle products” are made from plant or fruit concentrates and have active ingredients that vary according to their chemical compositions.

Depending on the plant/fruit, the essential oil will have different characteristics of aroma, color, density and, of course, benefits. Acclaimed by conventional and alternative medicine, the objective of their uses is to provide physical and emotional well-being, as they contain several therapeutic chemical components. Therefore, nowadays they are used to relieve pain, balance emotional dysfunctions, fight bacteria, reduce stress and increase energy and mental concentration.

I'm sure you might be thinking at this point that a few drops of an essential oil won't save your life, but take the test.

Peppermint Oil

Do you often have headaches, migraines or nausea? We show you the solution: peppermint oil or PepperMint . By stimulating circulation, it prevents cellulite and varicose veins, as well as acting as an analgesic and relieving tension in the body and head. This oil also eliminates skin blemishes (if you use it diluted) and promotes healthy respiratory function. If your problem is related to fatigue, using this oil helps to restore and increase your energy levels. Enter our online store and purchase our peppermint essential oil through this link .

Eucalyptus oil

Eucalyptus has purifying properties that can be beneficial for the skin and air. It is decongestant and acts against colds, flu, bronchitis and sinusitis. On an emotional level, it helps with emotional rebalancing and is effective in helping to reduce feelings of tension.

Tea tree oil

Also known as Melaleuca, this oil can be used to cleanse, purify and contribute to a healthier appearance of your skin and nails. Due to its antiseptic function, it is used to combat different types of infections. Nicknamed the “tea tree”, it is very effective in treating nail fungus, canker sores, chilblains, calluses and herpes. If you suffer from acne, add one to two drops to your face wash. You will see satisfactory results. In our online store , we have a wonderful tea tree essential oil available. Purchase it through this link .

rosemary oil

Before using it, it is important that it is diluted with water, as it can burn the skin. The herbaceous and energizing aroma of rosemary is often used in aromatherapy. In addition to helping to maintain concentration when studying or working, it reduces nervous tension and occasional fatigue. It even contributes to better digestion, as well as healthier hair.

Orange oil

This oil is known for its digestive benefits. In the urinary system, orange oil is used to treat kidney and bladder dysfunction. If you are a fan of lymphatic drainage, this product may be to your liking, as it is a good lymphatic decongestant. For those with brittle hair, this is also the ideal choice.

When using an essential oil for the first time, it is a good idea to do a test to check if using it causes any type of allergic reaction. Mix a drop of the oil you are going to use on a coffee spoon with Sweet Almond Oil and rub it into the crook of your elbow. If your skin turns red within 24 hours, it means you are sensitive to the product and should not use it. Furthermore, when purchasing one of these oils, pay attention to its composition and give preference to 100% organic and pure oils.

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