The Benefits Behind Detox Teas

Os Benefícios Por Trás dos Chás Detox

As soon as the cold winds of winter arrive, we need warm, comforting drinks that keep our immune systems strong. This is where detox tea comes in, as an ideal solution to purify our body.

We all need a detox from time to time – even if it's just a break from using social media or even the electronic devices that are part of our daily lives.

« Teatox »

A detox tea is a mixture of traditional teas with a certain amount of herbs, flowers, stems or spices. Its objective is to cleanse the body, acting as a diuretic or laxative, helping to boost the body's immune system and improving metabolism.

There is substantial evidence that detox teas contain medicinal properties and that there are health benefits to drinking them.

There is not just one way to drink detox tea. However, the objective is always the same: to add special active ingredients to your diet to make it healthier, without skipping meals. To this end, we must drink specific teas, which contain antioxidants that help us have more energy, rid the body of toxins, reduce abdominal bloating and stay fuller for longer.

Be sure to consult your doctor if you have any questions to determine what makes the most sense for you.

Elimination of toxins

Throughout a normal working day, we often feel tired, lethargic and bloated. This happens due to the presence of toxins and impurities in our body, most of which can harm our mental health and physical well-being.

From the moment the toxins are eliminated, we feel lighter and more invigorated. This is why it is essential to adopt the habit of drinking detox tea frequently.

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