Decorating Ideas for a Perfect Fireplace

Ideias de Decoração Para Uma Lareira Perfeita

It's the heart of the house and when the weather gets cold, it's what warms us. The fireplace is the cozy element that comforts us when the Cold winter nights come to challenge our senses. Combine the modern style with traditional always works, but if you prefer you can choose only through one of these paths. There's no way to go wrong.

Details make the difference

Details are crucial when the theme is decoration. Candles and frames are a classic – and they make perfect sense in this wonderful place that is our source of warmth. Firstly, candles, when placed in candlesticks, have the ability to create a huge variety of height levels, flattering the area in a graceful way, without looking like too much information. They are traditional elements and (always!) add a little more warmth and comfort to our living room. Furthermore, the perception of “layers”, when decorating a space, always gives the feeling that there is something more to discover.

Secondly, the frames (which house doesn't exist?) will always give a special touch to the space. Place larger frames behind smaller frames, for a greater depth effect, simple and without excesses.

Art objects can also complement this entire picture. In the mythical street fairs you will find various types of artisanal products that no longer mean anything to those who left them, but to you they can mean everything. Everything is related to the way you look at objects. A teapot, a sculpture or a vase. All of these elements are valid. The limit? Your imagination. Don't forget to also use a bouquet of flowers in light tones, which will bring new life to your home.

Law of substitution

No, it is not a law that already exists when it comes to decoration. However, Frederica's tip concerns the importance of replacing objects as we get tired of their presence. Change is necessary and brings lightness. Changing the arrangement of objects or exchanging them for new pieces, as the seasons change, can represent a real breath of fresh air for your warm corner. Remember: giving space to the new and releasing the old will make the energy flow more easily.

Watchword: simplicity

Much has been said about minimalism. The belief that less is more is valid in every way and in decoration it is no exception. Free yourself from the temptation to fill your fireplace area with too many objects that do nothing to contribute to the harmony of your decorative screen. Too much information makes everything much more confusing. Therefore, be careful and methodically choose the pieces you want to give importance to.

Three, the account that God made

It is possible that this theory is not completely foreign to you. In decoration, one of the main commandments is the need to group items in threes. The reason this rule exists is the fact that it is believed that elements can benefit each other when placed together, always in odd numbers and at different heights.

The rule of thirds, as it is also known, always works. It is believed that our brain is programmed to understand the world in this way. When three items come together, our mind automatically understands that a more dynamic set has been formed – our eyes are forced to move more and this process immediately creates a much richer vision of what surrounds us.

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