Creative Visualization: Awaken Your Inner Genie and Manifest the Life You Want

Every idea we put on paper or read contains a mental image that is a composition of images, feelings and/or imagined sensory experiences. Right now, your mind is creating images based on what you are reading here, in other words, you are visualizing it.

Hand in hand with the Law of Attraction – a philosophy that suggests that positive thoughts bring positive results to a person's life, while negative thoughts bring negative results – the power of visualization has been used since ancient times and presupposes the idea of that by consistently viewing an image, it will be drawn into our lives. We all do it, but probably without realizing it.

According to this philosophy, when you focus on what could go wrong, with emotion deposited in your thoughts, something happens to reinforce your focus. However, this power can also be used to your advantage. It's simple: just keep the idea of ​​what you want in your mind, consistently.

According to the American magazine Psychology Today , neurological studies have already revealed that thoughts produce the same mental instructions as actions. Mental images affect several cognitive processes in the brain: attention, perception, planning and memory. It has been discovered that mental practices related to visualization can increase motivation, improve confidence and prepare the brain for success.

What exactly is creative visualization?

Creative visualization is a mental technique that uses imagination, mental imagery, the power of thoughts and the Law of Attraction to achieve desires and goals. Used correctly, creative visualization can improve your life and attract success and prosperity. It is a power that can change our environment and circumstances, make certain situations happen and attract what we really want.

It's not about magic, nor about something mystical. It is just the natural process of the power of thoughts in communion with natural mental laws.

How it works?

The subconscious mind accepts the thoughts and mental images that we often repeat. This mental rehearsal changes our mentality depending on this repetition, as well as our habits and actions. Repeated thoughts and mental images attract and put us in contact with people, situations and circumstances that tend to transform what was visualized into reality.

Using visualization techniques can produce benefits such as…

  • Activate the creative subconscious, which will begin to generate creative ideas to achieve your goal;

  • Program the brain to more readily perceive and recognize the resources necessary to achieve the goal;

  • Activate the law of attraction, attracting into your life the people and circumstances necessary to achieve what you want;

  • Create an internal motivation to take the necessary actions to make your dreams come true.

How to take action:

Visualization is simple. You can start by sitting in a comfortable position, closing your eyes and imagining, in as much detail as possible, what you would be experiencing and how you would feel if your dream was already part of your reality. Observe, through your eyes, the ideal result.

We leave you with some simple steps:

  • Decide your goal;

  • Sit in a quiet place;

  • Visualize your goal clearly (make the mental image as vivid as possible, with colors, sounds and movement);

  • Believing that your goal has already been achieved or is about to become true;

  • Feel the joy you will experience when your goal becomes reality;

  • Repeat the process every day, for 5-10 minutes, several times a day;
  • Do not allow doubts to enter your mind. Use all your strength to believe and deposit that positive energy in this practice.

Source: Mindvalley.

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