The Colors That Determine the Energy of Our Home

“Home is where the heart is”. This cliché phrase means the importance of living in a space that makes us feel good. There is a Chinese technique that helps to achieve this, it is called Feng Shui and is used to analyze the energy of spaces, to ensure that there is positive energy in every room. There are several ways to achieve this good energy at home. One of them is through colors – whether in painting or even in decorative objects.

It is important to choose the color according to the room in the house and according to our objectives. An important aspect is the fact that light tones are considered neutral, while strong tones are highlighted for stimulating the mind and communication. See the list of colors you can use and decorate your home thinking about the atmosphere you want it to have.

Yellow: stimulates communication, the mental and increases the appetite, in addition, it helps a lot with studies. It is the color of light, and therefore a good option for darker rooms.

Blue: is a color that encourages calm and tranquility. When used in a room, it helps with internalization and meditation, reducing heart rate and blood pressure.

Green: it is associated with plants and flowers, symbols of life, which is why it is a color recommended for people's health and well-being. It is not advisable to overuse dark green tones, which lead to a feeling of oppression. Combine several tones and opt for lighter ones, such as anise and mint, for a more refreshing atmosphere – it will make the atmosphere calmer and more relaxing.

Orange: this color is associated with courage, intellect and the mental. Therefore, it stimulates the senses, creativity and dialogue. As it is a color with a lot of energy, it should not be used excessively, not even in your bedroom.

Red: it is an even more exciting and stimulating tone than orange, so it should only be used in accents. In this way, you can stimulate love and passion, but also your appetite.

Violet: brings peace of mind, tranquility and tranquility. Helps stimulate spirituality and meditation. In lighter tones, such as lilac, romance is encouraged. Violet calms the heart, mind and nerves. Excellent for creating positive energy.

Pink: it is the color of love, tenderness and romance. As it has many possible tones and combinations with many other colors, it can be used in almost any room.

White: it is probably the most used tone in decorations, but as it is a neutral and cold tone, it should always be combined with other colors, as alone, this color represents coldness and emptiness.

Black: should not be used in excess, to avoid feelings of anguish, sadness and depression. However, when used thoughtfully and when combined with other tones, it can really become elegant.

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