Cold Shrimp Salad With Black Rice

A cold salad that smells like summer (and tastes like shrimp)? Yes! This was given to us by Mafalda Sena, creator of the @Senasaudáveis ​​and @SUPERE projects. You only need 15 minutes to prepare it. Take note of the step by step and enjoy.

Ingredients (6 servings ) :

200g of black rice;

450g of water;

400g of shrimp brains;

4 handfuls of arugula;

1/2 chopped red onion;

30 cherry tomatoes;

2 ripe avocados;

2 small oranges in juice;

2 tablespoons of olive oil;

1 Pinch of salt.

Preparation method:

Start by making the sauce, mixing the olive oil, orange juice and salt;

Cook the rice in a medium pot of boiling salted water, 35-40 minutes. Drain well, spread on a plate and let cool;

Defrost the shrimp brains and cook for 1 minute in boiling salted water. Drain and rinse under cold water. Let it cool;

Wash the tomato and cut into halves and set aside. Chop the red onion finely and set aside. Cut the avocado into cubes and start plating: 4 tablespoons of black rice per plate, shrimp, tomato, avocado, onion and arugula and season with fresh orange juice sauce;

If you want to take it with you to the beach or if you're not going to consume it right away, start with the sauce at the bottom of the jar, then the avocado, tomato, onion, rice, shrimp and arugula, finally.

Note: Store in the refrigerator. When ready to eat, turn the bottle over so that the dressing covers the salad.

Follow Mafalda Sena on social media:
Instagram : @senasaudaveis
Facebook :

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