Elevate Your Morning Routine With Bulletproof Coffee

Eleve a Sua Rotina Matinal Com o Bulletproof Coffee

Coffee with butter and coconut oil, better known as Bulletproof Coffee , is a drink that gives our breakfast a tropical flavor, slightly sweet and with an incredibly creamy texture.

This is essentially a healthy option for coffee lovers, who will find this drink a source of energy that they can enjoy every morning when they wake up.

According to the claims of the recipe's creator, American author Dave Asprey, drinking coffee with butter and coconut oil in the morning can fill us up within five to six hours. This means that if we decided to take it for breakfast, we would only feel the need to eat again at lunch time. The fat in butter and coconut oil decrease the absorption of caffeine, prolonging the effect of the latter.

Remember that, as in all food situations, Bulletproof Coffee requires some care with its dosage. It is important not to overindulge, as those who suffer from anxiety, insomnia or cardiovascular problems may not react in the best way to this recipe.

Ingredients (for 1 person):

1 hot cup of organic coffee ;

2 tablespoons of unsalted butter;

1 tablespoon of coconut oil.

Preparation method:

Place all the ingredients in a blender (coffee, butter and oil) and blend until the mixture is homogeneous and frothy.

Ideally, you should not sweeten the mixture. Add a cinnamon stick to add flavor and enhance its benefits, as this last ingredient improves our mood, prevents infections and also helps reduce fat storage.

Note: The use of organic coffee is important, as it is completely free of toxic chemicals, with coconut oil and butter being rich in “good fats”.

Join this journey through eastern territories and try this magical drink.

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