Cocoa and Peanut Energy Balls

The well-known energy balls are an excellent option for those who need an easy and quick snack to prepare! For breakfast, as a snack, before or after a workout, these “mini energy bombs” are full of fiber, protein and good fats, leaving us feeling fuller for much longer!

Ingredients (for 8 units):

60g of oat flakes*;

25g of raw peanuts;

2 teaspoons of cocoa powder;

6 Medjool dates;

1 tablespoon of peanut butter;

5 tablespoons of water;

Cinnamon qb;

Pinch of salt.

Preparation method:

In a food processor or blender, reduce the oat flakes and peanuts to a coarse flour. Reserve;

Once again in the processor or blender, add the dates, peanut butter and water. Grind until you obtain a paste;

Add the cocoa and the oat and peanut mixture;

Mix everything until you get a very homogeneous dough. If the dough is too dry, add a little more water; If, on the contrary, it is too wet, add some oat flakes until the dough is perfect for shaping;

With the palms of your hands, form balls. You can leave it simple, or you can coat each energy ball with cocoa powder;

Once ready, store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to a week;

If you prefer, you can double the recipe and freeze some. This way you will always have a quick and healthy snack in reserve for when you need it!

Text: Andreia Gomes, digital content creator.

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