Antioxidant Tea: A Powerful Boost for Your Natural Beauty

Chá Antioxidante: Um Poderoso Boost Para a Sua Beleza Natural

In addition to being one of the most consumed and appreciated drinks in the world, tea is also considered one of the healthiest options. Having a lower caffeine content when compared to coffee, it can be significantly healthier than coffee. However, it is the presence of considerable levels of antioxidants in its composition that contributes to its reputation as a booster of our health.

Antioxidants VERSUS free radicals

Antioxidants are molecules that help fight free radicals, compounds that cause damage to our body's cells.

Substances that generate free radicals can be found in the food we eat, the medicines we take, the air we breathe and the water we drink. And although the body can respond to normal levels of free radicals, the truth is that in excess it needs the support of antioxidants.

Urban life has created more free radicals than the body is capable of fighting. Therefore, all foods that are rich in antioxidants are necessary to compensate for this deficit.

Beauty is in the tea

It is believed that tea has more antioxidants – flavonoids – than certain fruits and vegetables. An antioxidant tea has the ability to contribute to cancer prevention, weight loss and well-being and beauty that are revealed from the inside out.

Flavonoids play a fundamental role in caring for the various layers of the skin, reducing the negative effects of exposure to UV rays (blemishes or inflammation) and promoting microcirculation, contributing to its elasticity.

The power of ginger and hibiscus

It is no coincidence that ginger is nicknamed the “miracle root”. This food is an effective and ancient solution to various health issues, boasting medicinal value that has been known for thousands of years.

Ginger has been shown to have a powerful effect on our kidneys, increasing the amounts of antioxidants present in them, helping to create healthier kidney tissues.

By increasing the absorption and assimilation of essential nutrients by the body, ginger largely strengthens our immune system. And, thanks to its powerful antioxidant properties, it helps our natural healing processes thrive.

Hibiscus tea, in turn, is considered one of the richest in powerful antioxidants and, therefore, can help prevent damage caused by the accumulation of free radicals in the body.

Therefore, drinking this tea combats premature aging, and is also anti-inflammatory – combating cell inflammation – and rich in vitamin C, allowing the body to synthesize collagen, a fundamental element for maintaining skin firmness. .


It's called Better than botox and it was specifically formulated to provide the skin with antioxidants and enhance its natural beauty, protecting it against the action of free radicals and slowing down the aging process. The new Frederica antioxidant tea has hibiscus flowers, mint, raspberry leaves, pieces of ginger, marigold flowers and many other ingredients capable of making you even more beautiful from the inside out.

Purchase it through this link .

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