Breathe Healthy at Home With Dyrup Air Pure

We are what we breathe. And we all want to breathe healthy air in our homes. Being protected at home is fundamental, but the truth is that inside homes the air can reach levels of contamination ten times higher than the air outside. This happens due to the presence of one of the most harmful Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) inside homes: formaldehyde. According to the World Health Organization, this is one of the substances that most negatively impact indoor air quality, and may be carcinogenic when in high concentrations.

Representing a completely invisible threat, this gas is released by most construction materials, furniture and textiles. This is why it is so important to try to reduce its presence in the air we breathe as much as possible.

Now, imagine what it would be like to be able to paint the walls of your home and, at the same time as transforming the aesthetics of your home, being able to contribute to a healthy and protected atmosphere. It's possible, with Dyrup Air Pure , a completely revolutionary, bio-based paint, created from renewable resources – seeds, trees and plant waste –, featuring advanced technology that purifies the air.

What makes this paint so special?

This high-quality paint is the first organic matt interior paint. In addition to its air purifying effect, Dyrup Air Pure is easy to apply, has an excellent finish and opacity, offering excellent resistance to frequent washing.

Providing high performance and several aesthetic benefits, this paint reduces formaldehyde by up to 70%, and is also the most sustainable and environmentally friendly option, as 45% of its composition is biologically based.

Its packaging is made from completely recycled material and, in addition to all this, this product has the highest rating for indoor air quality (A+), being available in thousands of colors. The results are visible from the first day of application and guarantee proven effectiveness for up to 7 years.

A more sustainable side

Reducing the ecological footprint and opting for more sustainable and healthier solutions are increasingly important to prioritize. Thus, by using a variety of renewable ingredients, which largely replace the traditional fossil components, which constitute the binding resin for solvent and water-based paints, it was possible to achieve a product with all this potential, providing a safer environment It's healthy.

The importance of housing with a healthy environment

For the air quality in your home to be healthy enough, it is not enough to just use a suitable paint to paint your walls. Make sure that the spaces where you stay have correct ventilation and are cleaned frequently to maintain the well-being of your home.

Even if you had never thought about the possibility of your home having poor indoor air quality, the truth is that carrying out an energy audit can put your mind at ease. Take control and avoid the risks associated with poor air quality in your home, so you can breathe happier.

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