Biodynamics: When Beauty Follows the Phases of the Moon

In a constant search for everything that makes us more beautiful, adopting an approach that is as natural as it is sustainable, a practice emerges that follows the cycle of the Moon and uses the harmony of different elements to enable a more powerful skin treatment regimen. This technique is called biodynamics, which means “life in movement and balance”, referring to a fully sustainable agricultural practice, which dates back to the 1920s.

As the natural products market grows, forward-thinking beauty brands are beginning to lean into this practice, where biodynamic farming standards surpass standards aimed at purely organic practices.

What does it consist of and what are the benefits?

Don't be surprised if we talk about agriculture when the central theme is beauty: the first influences the second, in accordance with biodynamic principles. Biodynamic agriculture – which enables the creation of biodynamic ingredients for cosmetic purposes – focuses on the connection between the farmer, the soil, plants, animals and the Universe. Thus, the cultivated land is seen as a closed system (but with biodiversity), while the elements used in the cultivation process (seeds, etc.) are produced exactly in that place and the plants are worked manually. In this way, when sowing and harvesting, biodynamic farmers work with the rhythms of Nature and the result is strong, healthy and vital plants.

While organic farming involves growing food without pesticides, synthetic herbicides or chemicals, and without the use of genetically modified organisms, the biodynamic version is a step ahead. This is because, through practices such as composting or crop rotation, biodynamic agriculture creates an environment rich in vitality, allowing plants and animals to be very well equipped to protect themselves from diseases and predatory insects. In this way, the plants become stronger, which can represent more powerful active ingredients, which can benefit our skin in a deeper way.

The relationship with the Moon

The fascination with biodynamic beauty is related to more than just its natural ingredients and practices that respect Nature, as it is also related to the different phases of the Moon.

This type of agriculture is intrinsically linked to the Earth's satellite, as farmers usually use a special calendar to understand the various phases of this planet and harvest plants accordingly.

Just as the Moon influences our tides, it also influences plant growth, according to biodynamic theory. Therefore, the most fruitful time to plant and transplant to ensure optimal vitality is between the New Moon and the Full Moon.

In a modern, fast-paced world, we have become less connected to the Earth's natural rhythms, like the cycle of the Moon. Perhaps now is the time to crave some of those precious connections again.

Is this the best beauty option for the future?

Since biodynamics is not only for human use, but also for the well-being of the Earth, it is very possible that we are facing one of the most advantageous beauty practices, at all levels.

There are still no conclusive studies on its benefits. However, a recent study found that biodynamic crops contained higher percentages of potassium, iron and vitamin C, something that may be associated with greater benefits. However, this class of ingredients must undergo a rigorous review to receive biodynamic certification. Biodynamic beauty products are essentially certified by Demeter International , the largest certification organization for biodynamic products.

Conclusion? It is very possible that there is a greater concentration of vitamins and nutrients in these plants, something that could represent more nutritious and healthy ingredients, capable of enhancing the beauty of our skin. A true opportunity to commune with Nature.

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