The Miraculous Formula to Beat the Heat During Sleep

Good midsummer night's dreams – who doesn't want to have them? It may seem like something purely idyllic on nights where scorching heat waves want to creep in, but there are some ways to try to get around the feeling of breathing desert air – and no, these are not just based on throwing all your clothes in the air or opening the window to refresh the senses.

According to some studies, the best room temperature for sleeping is between 16 and 21 degrees Celsius. Therefore, it is natural that insomnia takes over us on a summer night when the thermometer decides to rise excessively. But to emerge victorious from the overwhelming nights, start by closing the windows or curtains to prevent the heat from entering during the sun. This way, at night, you will be able to get to your bed without feeling like you have just entered a sauna.

Also follow other important tips, namely:

Do not train at night to avoid increasing your body's internal temperature. Prefer to exercise in the morning;

Leave a bucket of cold water next to the bed and place your feet in it before going to bed. This will regulate the body's temperature, as it reduces the temperature of one of the body's extremities;

Opt for cotton pillowcases. Natural fibers allow air to circulate and, consequently, provide a greater feeling of freshness while we sleep. The same goes for pajamas;

A cold water shower, will you? This is advice that is both predictable and effective. Rinsing your body with cold water (it doesn't need to be cold!) will make you feel your body temperature dropping and the encounter with the sheets will be the ultimate in relaxation;

Having the bed to yourself. The story of having someone to warm your feet is convincing – in winter. Remember that if you sleep alone you will be able to stretch freely, a gesture that helps release body heat;

Avoid alcoholic drinks and dinners rich in protein , so that your metabolism does not increase, something that would cause your body temperature to rise as well.

If, after checking off all these tips on the list, the feeling that you are in Brazilian territory persists, apply a plastic bag with ice cubes or a cold compress to your wrists and neck. You will feel immediate relief and have a more restful, sweat-free sleep.

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