Banana and Spice Scones

Scones for breakfast? That's right! These banana scones , flavored with cinnamon and ginger, are sugar-free and rich in fiber and good fats. Perfect to start the day full of strength and energy!


80g chopped walnuts;

70g of wheat flour;

70g whole wheat flour;

70g oat flour;

1 tablespoon of cake yeast;

1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder;

½ teaspoon of powdered ginger;

1 pinch of nutmeg;

2 ripe bananas;

70ml oat vegetable drink;

85g coconut oil;

2 tablespoons of honey.

Preparation method:

In a large bowl, mix all the dry ingredients well, including the coarsely chopped walnuts;

In another bowl, place the bananas cut into pieces, the oat drink, coconut oil and honey. Using a hand blender, blend everything until you get a homogeneous mixture. If you prefer, you can use a blender;

Then add the liquid mixture to the dry ingredients mixture. Mix well until you have a thick, moist dough. Once ready, place the scone dough in the fridge for at least 10 minutes to make it more consistent;

Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 180º and line a large tray with a sheet of baking paper. Finally, place spoonfuls of dough on the parchment paper, forming tall balls;

The scones are ready as soon as they are golden brown, after approximately 25 minutes. After this time, repeat the process until the dough is finished. Let the scones cool on a wire rack.

To finish, add your favorite topping to the scones ! Honey and nuts seem like an excellent option to me.

Text: Andreia Gomes, digital content creator.

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