Autumn Smoothie

The best part about smoothies in a bowl is that they can be so versatile and complete, making them an excellent option for breakfast or a snack.

This recipe smells like autumn, with ingredients typical of the season and with an ingredient that, for you, might be a good surprise in a fruit smoothie : sweet potatoes.

1 persimmon; 1/2 roasted orange sweet potato (see note*); 1/2 orange;

1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon powder;

1 tablespoon of vegetable protein (optional).

Preparation method:

Blend all the ingredients in a food processor or chopper until you obtain a creamy texture;

Pour into a bowl and decorate as desired. In this case, add banana, pomegranate, hazelnuts, raspberries, pumpkin seeds and hemp seeds.

Note: to roast the sweet potato, using a fork, poke a few holes in it and place it whole and skin-on in the oven for around 40 minutes, until soft.

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