Autumn Depression: Free yourself!

Autumn depression exists. Today, find out why and also learn about some of the tips you should follow so that this is no longer a complicated phase in your life.

For some it may be almost indifferent (they don't feel it as much), but for others the arrival of autumn may be the beginning of the “emotional leaf” falling. Why? Well, the Sun crosses the equator and the days start to get shorter, as does the intensity of sunlight, even though it continues to be hot. Plants and animals begin to prepare for winter, minimizing their activities in order to accumulate energy. As some scholars say: "We are like plants and animals. We have complicated emotions."

As oriental medicine explains, very well, this is what happens to us. The fact that, physiologically, the need to start storing energy appears, similarly originates another process: that of letting go of the energy that is no longer useful, that is too much, to make room for the new one. It is, therefore, a time to release toxins, and more. This inner event also encompasses feelings and emotions. Therefore, it is very natural that, like toxins, some melancholic feelings come to the surface again to be worked on, so that they can come out.

Thus, there is a tendency for some symptoms to appear, such as: mood changes, lack of enthusiasm, lack of energy, lack of desire to socialize, loss of interest in carrying out some activities, difficulty sleeping and increased appetite. However, there are a series of procedures that can help us overcome this coming phase emotionally (and physically). We leave some here. Some of the tips will seem like they have nothing to do with managing emotions. However, believe me, they couldn't be more interconnected! If you follow them, you will see that it will be much easier (and healthier) to overcome all of this, if you feel this way. There are two parts: working on the physical part to have enough energy (part I) and working on the emotions (part II).

I: Physical part:

Turn on the lights. Your brain (and body) is already missing the intensity of sunlight, so only reduce the intensity of the light when it's time to go to sleep. Avoid doing any type of activity in low light.

Drink water. Continue to hydrate to keep your energy level constant. Also eat more fruit, vegetables and foods rich in omega 3. Otherwise, you won't have enough energy to think properly.

Take care of your gut. It is in the intestine that around 90% of serotonin, an antidepressant neurotransmitter, is produced. Therefore, if our intestines are not working well we can feel more melancholy and sadness. Drink, for example, a detox tea every now and then, and be careful with your diet.

Do physical exercise. This topic is always present because it is, in fact, one of the things that is good for our entire being: body, mind and spirit. As you may already know, it is one of the ways to produce hormones linked to well-being and tranquility. Walking is part of this tip.

II: Emotional part:

Breathe. As banal as this may seem to you, believe me that it is one of the things that does the best for the entire organism because it oxygenates the brain more (and activates chi , our vital energy), helps to balance metabolic levels and gives us inner discernment. necessary for a more rational way of solving problems. Inhale and exhale slowly, three times in a row, several times a day, even on those days when you feel good.

Be with your friends. Counter the urge to isolate yourself and, even if you don't always do so, make an effort to socialize. When we are alone for a long time with thoughts that provoke less good emotions, we tend to dramatize and increase the dimension of problems. Vent.

Let go. Even though it may be a time that invites us to gain new feelings of fear, we must try to ignore these fears and not lose strength. Breathe and go ahead because it's a good time to throw away what's no good, letting go not only of less good emotions but also of things that no longer have anything to do with your energy and only cause blockages. Start with material detachment, throwing away, or giving to someone, what you have saved and no longer serves you.

Do meditation. Nowadays you have hundreds of guided meditations available online , both Mindfulness and others that you might like more. Contrary to what some meditation masters say, you can do just 5 or 10 minutes of this practice a day (it's better to do little than do nothing). Do it, for example, after a good walk. The good it does for you is immense because it even changes your brain structure. Take a risk and try both the Body and Emotional Scanner, both Mindfulness ;

Keep two bottles of essential oils in your bag. Both colors and smells greatly affect our mood. Have an orange ball (a stimulating antidepressant) and a pink one (a more relaxing antidepressant) so you can play with them in your hands, while looking at their colors. And also have a small bottle of essential oil of lemon (antidepressant) or mint (stimulant) and chamomile, lavender or orange (relaxant) to, from time to time, smell and positively energize your brain.

Obviously, these tips do not replace, in the case of more severe depressions (chronic and/or severe), going to a competent professional for that purpose, nor do they replace any type of medication you take. In any case, they can be a great complement in the treatment of depression, as well as a great way to prevent it.

Vanda do Nascimento is a therapist, trainer and Mindfulness instructor at the Escola de Mindfulness Essencial , founded by her in 2016. She began her career as a teacher in 1997, obtaining a degree in Education. On that same date, he also began his studies in Reiki, Meditation and Mindfulness. Later, he embarked on the path of Psychology and delved even deeper into the topic of Mindfulness, in order to continue his fight to control stress and anxiety.

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