At What Age Should We Start Using an Anti-Aging Cream?

How do we decide when is the right time to include an anti-aging face cream in our beauty routine? It is not easy to determine a concrete answer to this question, especially because in most cases we think that due to the absence of signs of aging we can neglect this aspect of skin care. However, the truth is that numerous products are available on the market completely focused on combating the first wrinkles and blemishes characteristic of older age that can be used across a very wide age range.

Anti-aging cosmetics do not have a specific age for use. Each skin has its own genetic quality and each organism has its specific way of functioning. The truth is that from the age of 25 we start to lose collagen naturally, something that makes preservation and greater attention to our skin important. At this point, using sunscreen is very important to combat the sun's rays, which further contribute to the loss of skin elasticity and significantly age it.

20, 30 or 40: what is the right age to start anti-aging treatment?

Hydration and sun protection must be combined into a solid and constant habit, regardless of how old we are, but especially when the first signs of aging begin to appear, something that usually happens from the age of 30, the age at which Our habits in this sense must be rethought and restructured.

Another indication to take into account is that we should not use anti-aging creams at the age of 20, as they can unnecessarily use up the cellular resources of the skin, which in this age group does not need this collagen stimulation. Factors such as hormonal changes, environmental pollution, solar radiation, stress and poor diet are great rivals in this battle where the objective is youthfulness. Therefore, it is important to combat them with hydration that suits our needs.

The right time to start taking action? Does not exist. The main premise is that prevention will always be welcome, as we all want to have hydrated, wrinkle-free skin, something we can achieve if we take care of it as early as possible.

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