Arctic TreeHouse. A Magical Hotel in Finland

It is under the umbrella of an old dream and a love for Nature that the Arctic TreeHouse Hotel was born, in the Arctic Circle, in Finland. Embraced by the Arctic, this place is much more than just that definition. It's an experience. And if we look at the images that portray it, we can see why.

Lapland's local traditions, modern Scandinavian design and the combination of the purest of the earth and luxury make this a hotel that is inspired by fairy tales. When it was built, the designers chose to place individual accommodation units on a steep slope, rather than constructing a huge building, as is expected of most high-end hotel constructions. Perhaps this is the characteristic that gives the most personality to this space, surrounded by an environment that perfectly reflects the beauty of the destination.

Imagine what it would be like to be able to spend a night in the heart of a forest (the kind we see in movies) in a comfortable and unforgettable way. In this place, not only is it possible to experience this scenario, but it can also be better than what our imagination can achieve – at least that's it that we believe when we investigate guest descriptions.

With a panoramic window that offers a stunning view of the green forest and Arctic sky, each installation has lighting that is meticulously designed to ensure as little artificial light pollution as possible. The idea would be, in addition to respecting the environment, to provide the absolute experience of viewing the aurora borealis – a unique phenomenon that appears in the northern skies of the planet.

Where is it located?

This hotel is located next to SantaPark , a of the main Christmas destinations in the world. Easily accessible by car, the just ten minutes from the city center of Rovaniemi, capital of Lapland.

A place that, in addition to being magical, is ecological.

It's not just beauty that paints the picture of Arctic TreeHouse . Ecological awareness is also present in several points, namely in the fact that all buildings are made of Finnish wood – a sustainably produced and renewable construction material. On the internal surfaces of the facilities, this is also the material we find, making the environment comfortable and keeping the indoor air healthy.

Inspiration: the forest morning.

With regard to the interior design of the space, it was the morning in the forest that was responsible for the inspiration, something that resulted in a combination of soft natural materials and sublime light tones.

Today, the hotel has 32 suites and five bathrooms. glass, all of them located in conformity and harmony with the pure air that breathes in the Arctic Circle.

Lapland culture on the plate.

Various types of fish, reindeer, mushrooms and berries. These are the traditional Lapland delicacies that are served in the restaurant on site. The passion for tradition is proudly expressed in the ingredients from small local producers. And that's why a stay at the Arctic TreeHouse is considered much more than a treetop adventure. Because the atmosphere you feel here contemplates delicious hot drinks by the fireplace while absorbing the spirit of an entire unparalleled culture.

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