Six Healthy Mistakes We All Make

Seis Erros Saudáveis Que Todas Cometemos

Selecting foods that are good for our body and mind can be a real challenge. This is because, nowadays, many large supermarkets aim to sell their products, whether they are healthy or not. In a perfect world, all foods should contain the necessary nutrients to maintain the perfect balance for our body. As this is not part of reality, we present you the top 6 most common mistakes we tend to make when buying food.

1. Mistaking gluten-free foods as healthy.

For most people, the topic of gluten is still a topic that leaves some doubts. But gluten is nothing more or less than a simple protein that is found in various types of cereals, including wheat, rye and barley. This is the substance that gives bread its texture. Gluten is not technically harmful to health, unless the person is celiac or has a sensitivity to gluten. The fact that the packaging label says 'gluten-free' does not mean that it is healthy at all. What happens is that many supermarket foods are processed and contain more sugar, in an attempt to improve the taste and texture of the product. Therefore, pay close attention to this point.

2. Processed energy bars.

Most energy bars or protein bars are actually disguised as chocolate bars. Since we are always in rush mode, we look for healthier, quick and easy snack options to consume after a workout. Nowadays, in any health food store you can find tons of delicious bars. The secret is to be extremely selective in your choice. Firstly, check the amount of sugar the bar contains. If the bar has more than 12 grams of sugar per serving, leave it on the shelf. And, in addition, make sure that it does not contain artificial sweeteners, such as sucralose, aspartame, saccharin or isolated fillers.

3. Fruit juice.

Fruit is healthy, so is fruit juice, right? No, not necessarily. Most fruit juice is nothing more than sugar water. Many of the stores sell this sugar-laden product. And as unrealistic as this may be, many fruit juices don't even contain 100% juice. Sugar causes inflammation in the body and cells, which is the pathway to almost all diseases. Unless they are freshly squeezed, avoid these juices.

4. Use agave nectar as an alternative to sugar.

In recent years, agave has become a very famous alternative to natural sugar. However, what most people don't know is that it is loaded with fructose (fruit sugar). Although it has a low glycemic index, which measures the effects on blood sugar, new research suggests that excess fructose can harm liver function and add unwanted belly fat. The best natural alternatives include stevia, monk fruit and coconut nectar. All sweeteners, natural or not, should be used in moderation.

5. Processed organic products.

If it's organic, then it's healthy, right? This is another one of the big health mistakes that people make. Organic food, food grown without the use of dangerous chemicals, genetic modification, or irradiation preservation process is much better than conventionally grown food, but this does not mean that all products labeled organic are the healthiest. . Therefore, the best way is to choose foods from a plant and not those made from a plant, regardless of whether it is labeled as organic.

6. Avoid fat.

With all the advertising campaigns to combat fat, many people still fear this word. The truth is that two-thirds of our brain is made of fat, which is used to produce brain cells. Foods that are rich in good fats, such as omega 3, and those that are rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals are anti-inflammatories that not only serve to protect the brain from diseases, but also help to increase brain capacity. cognitive, such as understanding, learning and the ability to concentrate. Fat is also important for maintaining healthy hair, as well as skin and nails. She cannot be seen as an enemy, but rather as a friend. The only fats that should be avoided at all costs are trans fats, which are found in processed foods. Good sources of healthy fat include nuts, coconut oil, avocado, wild salmon or egg yolks. These are the available sources of fat that should be consumed on a weekly basis to improve brain performance and health.

Yes, adopting healthy habits can be a little confusing and often challenging. However, now you have no excuses for continuing to make the same mistakes when you go shopping. Make more conscious choices and take care of yourself, because your body will thank you!

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