How to Stay in Shape at the Beach?

Como Conseguir Manter-se em Forma na Praia?

Summer is here, do you want to stay in shape, but don't want to miss sunny days in the artificial environment of the gym? We understand perfectly. Whether you want to burn off the Berlin Ball eaten daily on the sand or the snacks and beer devoured on the beach terrace, watching the sunset, there are exercises you can do while having fun and tanning. You won't even feel like you're training! We promise.

Play Rackets

Grab your friends and have a beach racket competition. Between jumping to avoid failing in the game and running to catch the ball from your neighbor's hat, your body will be anything but still. And best of all: laughter and fun are guaranteed.

Run by the sea

When running on the treadmill, who doesn't find themselves checking the time every five seconds? There is no such problem on the beach. First, you don't have a monitor in front of you; second, the view of the sea makes anyone forget all their pain. And believe me, running on the sand while trying hard not to bury your feet in the sand burns more calories.

Swim in the sea

Take advantage of the green flag days and, carefully, take a dip in the ocean. Swimming is a great exercise for toning your muscles and burning calories, as you have to move your entire body. When the heat hits, this is the right exercise.

Do water sports

Surfing , bodyboarding , kitesurfing , windsurfing , diving, you name it . Sign up to learn one of these modalities. In addition to losing a lot of calories while practicing, taking classes is a good way to make friends.

Training on the wall

If you are one of those people who love watching the sea, but don't want to put your feet in the sand, the solution is to run, walk or cycle along the sea wall. The training is effective and the view is equally incredible.

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