5 Tips to Stay Focused on Training (All Year Round!)

5 Dicas Para Manter o Foco Nos Treinos (Todo o Ano!)

We all know that “a summer body is built in winter”, but the reality is that, every year, people race against time to fit into their favorite bikinis, hoping for miracles with the latest trendy detox or a series of abdominals that promise to eliminate fat. Unfortunately, I fear I am the bearer of bad news, as none of these solutions are effective without a consistently healthy and active lifestyle. I know it's not easy to exercise daily, but today I bring 5 tips to help you maintain your dedication to training.

  1. Choose a modality that gives you pleasure. If you don't have a preference, try it! Go dance, go walk, go run, sign up to a gym, try various workouts available online.
  2. Schedule your workouts. Consider training as a personal commitment and put it on your calendar, in the same way you write down a meeting with your boss or your child's pediatrician appointment.
  3. Don't wait for ideal conditions to go training. There will rarely be a day when everything comes together perfectly, so adopt the mantra “done is better than perfect!” and will train, even if it is for less time than desired.
  4. Call a friend. Sharing a commitment with someone else can help when initial motivation fades. Still, it's important not to rely on it. Remember: “no one does it for you”.
  5. Starts today. Don't leave it until tomorrow or Monday. Accept the challenge and just go!

To help you with your SÓ GO mission, I published a video on my YouTube channel with a short workout (about 10 minutes) that you can do at home or elsewhere, using just your body weight and a chair. See full video here.

Are we just going?

Text written by:
Sara Rocha, Personal Trainer with a degree in physical education and specialist in exercise during pregnancy and postpartum. Founder and CEO of the company MissFitTeam where she collaborates in the area of ​​women's health with online training plans, personalized training and various training packs.

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