Three Teas to Fight the Flu

Tea has the power to warm hearts on cold nights, but it also has, to a large extent, the power to heal (at least most of them).

For this reason (and because we care about you), the best thing is to start preventing possible colds and flu. We leave you with three suggestions for teas that will help you keep your immunity intact.

Ginger and lemon tea

Ginger and lemon tea plays the main role in dealing with colds. This tea combines the power of vitamin C, found in lemon, with the anti-inflammatory action of ginger (which is an unconditional friend when it comes to relieving sore throats).


30ml of hot water;

1 slice of ginger;

1 squeezed lemon.

Preparation method:

After boiling the water, add the slice of ginger and let it act for about five minutes. Add the squeezed lemon and sweeten with honey.

Apple cider vinegar and honey tea

The acidity and cleansing power of vinegar give it a strong ability to eliminate bacteria that could be the cause of a sore throat, making it the perfect accomplice to annihilate flu symptoms.


30ml of hot water;

1 dessert spoon of apple cider vinegar,

1 Teaspoon of honey.

Preparation method:

Just mix all the ingredients until they completely dissolve. To be taken twice a day, after meals.

Onion peel tea

Onion peel tea is a perfect ally in combating coughs and sore throats. Instead of throwing unused peels in the trash when preparing any meal, you can reuse this part of the onion that offers us so many benefits, among which we find its high nutritional load, its anti-inflammatory and its antiviral properties.


30ml of hot water;

1 Onion;

Honey to taste.

Preparation method:

Boil some onion skins and let them rest for five minutes. Then, remove the skins and sweeten with honey. To drink between two and three times a day.

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