Four Apps to Drink More Water

Water is essential for the body to function properly, this is nothing new. However, there are many people who do not drink enough water in their daily lives. The rule is to drink 1.5 to 2 liters per day. Are you complying or do you only drink water when you are thirsty? To ensure you don't forget to replenish your hydration levels, there are several applications that remind you throughout the day, and where you can record how much water you've drunk. Get to know them and start hydrating yourself from the inside out.

Hydro Coach (Android)

Do you often forget to drink water? With this app , set your goal and receive reminders throughout the day. If you don't know how much water you should drink, use the app 's calculator to find out how many liters you need. The app is free and only available for Android .

Daily Water Tracker Reminder ( iOS and Android )

Set your goal and, throughout the day, add the amount of water you drink. At the same time, you will see the cups filling up as you get closer to the goal. You will also be able to understand the progress over the last 7 days and one month. This app is free.

WaterMinder (iOS and Android)

This app calculates the appropriate hydration levels for you according to your weight and personal goals. To ensure it doesn't fail, the app sends notifications throughout the day. To motivate you, you can track progress over time. The app is available for iOS for €5.49 and is free for Android .

iHydrate (iOS)

This app was designed to improve your fluid intake. In addition to being able to register water, you can register other drinks such as milk, juice, coffee, tea and even beer. The app tells you how many drinks you've consumed, your total fluid intake and your daily progress. The app is available for iOS for €3.49.

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