Cottage cheese paste

Cottage cheese is, without a doubt, a great food for creative ideas in the kitchen. It is very flexible as we can use it in various pastas, spreads and add-ons. In this case, we suggest roasted tomato toast and curd paste.


8 cherry tomatoes;

5 tablespoons of olive oil;

Salt and oregano to taste;

4 tablespoons of sheep's cream cheese;

Two sprigs of chopped parsley;

Slices of bread to taste.

Preparation method:

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees for ten minutes. Place the tomatoes in the oven on a small tray seasoned with olive oil, coarse salt and oregano;

Let it cook until the tomatoes have small openings and are soft;

In a small bowl, add the cottage cheese, chopped parsley and two tablespoons of olive oil. Mix everything with a fork until it forms a paste;

Toast (or not) the slices of bread, drizzle with a drizzle of olive oil and cover with the curd paste and roasted tomatoes.

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