The Power of Ginger

Ginger. I'm sure you've heard of it! Maybe the name isn't strange to you, but perhaps you've never stopped to think about the myriad of benefits it offers. This root is widely used in some countries, mainly in Eastern cultures, and nowadays it is already on sale in any supermarket in Portugal. Thanks to its strong and particular flavor, a small piece will last you a long time.

Originally from Asia, ginger is used in both cooking and medicine. It can be consumed in teas, juices or powder. Furthermore, of the many nutrients present in this plant, the main ones are magnesium, potassium, folate, calcium and vitamin B6.

Among its various super powers, we can find the following:

  • Helps you lose weight;
  • Serves as a seasoning;
  • Helps in the treatment of circulatory problems;
  • Relieves muscle pain;
  • It is thermogenic;
  • Helps relieve symptoms of colds and sore throats;
  • Helps control diabetes;
  • Alleviates nausea and vomiting;
  • Helps reduce blood pressure;
  • It has a digestive action.

We have already told you about the medicinal benefits, but the truth is that, in cooking, ginger is also used in a wide variety of situations.

Some people add it to soups : in carrot cream, for example.

In morning shots : try combining ginger, lemon juice, cinnamon, cayenne pepper and turmeric. Drink it in one go and BOOM! An energy bomb!

In detox juices: add 3 cabbage leaves, 2 oranges, 1 piece of ginger and water. Because it is thermogenic, ginger speeds up metabolism, something that helps you lose weight.

In pastry: This small plant is also used to make cakes. Add it to recipes you already have and you will see the difference it will make. Some lemon and ginger muffins, for example. Does it look good to you?

With meat or fish: try grilling a salmon steak and add ground ginger seasoning. If you prefer meat, how about a chicken curry flavored with ginger?

The magic of ginger essential oil

With a warm, spicy and sweet aroma, ginger essential oil is popular for its multiple antiviral properties. It is nicknamed “The Oil of Empowerment” for the feeling of confidence it is known to inspire. It is native to southern China, but its growth has spread to other parts of Asia, India, West Africa and Europe. In ancient times, ginger root was used to relieve respiratory discomfort, nausea, menstrual pain, and stomach upset.

In aromatherapy, this is a very stimulating oil. It increases concentration and can calm and reduce feelings of stress , sadness, anxiety and tiredness. Enter our online store and purchase our ginger essential oil through this link .

How to use?

  • Add 2 drops to shampoo to soothe scalp affected by dandruff;
  • For a facial exfoliation that reveals a smoother, healthier layer of skin, removing dead, dull skin, mix half a cup of brown sugar, half a cup of fractionated coconut oil, 10 drops of ginger essential oil and 5 drops of olive oil. lemon essential oil in a bowl and then transfer the mixture to an airtight container. Wash off the scrub with warm water and pat your skin dry with a clean, soft towel.


Ginger essential oil can also be used in massages. Mix 2-3 drops into a carrier oil and massage into skin to relieve muscle pain.


Add 4-5 drops of ginger essential oil to your bathtub and gently swirl the water to mix the oil well. If you have dry skin, add a tablespoon of vegetable oil along with this essential oil.


Use 4-5 drops of ginger essential oil in a diffuser three-quarters full of water. Essential oils should never be burned directly, as their chemical structure can be altered in an incinerator.

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