Zucchini Zoodles With Eggs

Full-time nutritionist, Filipa Cortez Faria is one of the biggest names in her field. Mother, creator of digital content and specialist in the treatment of overweight and obesity, it is on her social networks that she shares everything that excites her and moves her as an active woman. Today, he introduces us to a special recipe full of flavor: Zucchini Zoodles with Eggs. If you were out of ideas for your lunch, here is a great suggestion from someone in the know.

Ingredients (1 serving):

200g spiralized zucchini;

1 dessert spoon of olive oil;

Fleur de sel and freshly ground black pepper;

2 eggs;

1 slice of fat-free ham;

chives qb

Preparation method:

In a non-stick frying pan, sauté the spiralized courgette with the olive oil over high heat for five minutes, without letting it soften;

Add fleur de sel and freshly ground black pepper and place the already sautéed and seasoned courgette in a deep plate;

In the same frying pan, fry two eggs without adding fat over medium heat, until the whites are cooked. Place the eggs on top of the sautéed courgette;

Cut the slice of fat-free ham into small pieces and add it to the dish, as well as chopped chives, and it's ready to serve.

Follow Filipa Cortez Faria on social media:
Instagram : @filipacortezfaria
Facebook : @blogmyhappykids
Website : filipacortez.com

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