Tips for Being a More Organized Person

Dicas Para Ser Uma Pessoa Mais Organizada

Do you tend to accumulate tasks? Are there clothes scattered around the room? How long has your life been in chaos? Don't worry. There is always time to learn more about organization (even if we are convinced that we are already organized enough).

Being punctual, always knowing where you leave things and enjoying having a tidy house are habits that can help you, but in the end, it's all about taking control of your life and establishing a solid daily routine.

Make your bed every morning.

It has been proven that making your bed every morning helps you calm down and brings greater positivity into the day. Also wash all the dishes that are accumulated in the kitchen, which if they are clean and organized will leave you wanting to cook more.

Eliminate, reduce and simplify.

Whether you have a chaotic living room, unwashed dishes in the kitchen or clothes scattered around the bedroom, the truth is that this reality also extends to your time and your projects. Eliminate what you don't need and avoid accumulating things that only serve to take up space. External disorder is often synonymous with internal disorder. Simplify and prioritize the five most important tasks of your day.

Have a notepad handy.

By writing down a task you will reduce the likelihood of it falling into oblivion. Don't expect your mind to remember everything. Instead, write down your to-dos in a notepad and carry it with you everywhere. Taking notes whenever you hear something you don't want to forget is essential for an organized life. Make shopping lists, to-do lists, and random thought lists. Purchase the Frederica 2022 diary to help you with all of this with guaranteed success.

Choose a place to always leave your things.

Choose only a specific place in your home to leave your main belongings (keys, phone, wallet, etc.). This strategy will avoid delays when leaving for work or any other commitment.

Create more space.

One of the best ways to create more space to work is to maximize vertical space. Instead of just having a few shelves to store objects, bring everything up to the ceiling. This way, you will store what you need less frequently on higher shelves.

Manage your time well.

Try to carry out important tasks in quiet moments at work. Dedicate yourself to your duties when your energy is at its highest and leave less demanding commitments for other occasions. Focus on the sense of accomplishment you will feel when the work is finally completed.

Know when to stop.

Great levels of organization require great levels of energy. To do this, it is imperative to know when to stop. Schedule short breaks throughout the day. This will allow you to maintain the necessary vitality and recharge your batteries before dedicating yourself body and soul to your projects.

Don't do everything at once.

When we try to do everything at the same time, our attention is divided and we are unable to invest 100% in anything. Therefore, the greater the number of things you dedicate yourself to at the same time, the longer the process will be until you complete everything you have to do. One thing at a time is always the way.

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