Where did the Kama Sutra come from?

De Onde Surgiu o Kama Sutra?

When you think of Kama Sutra , what comes to mind? You don't need to answer. We know perfectly well that in the eyes of the overwhelming most people, this is merely a book in which all possible and imaginary sexual positions, from the simplest to the most acrobatic. But (surprise yourself), the Kama Sutra is much more than that.

Going beyond what Western culture defends, we talk of something that entails much more than primitive pornography or positions exaggeratedly sophisticated. The Kama Sutra is a book that talks about love as a whole, interpreting it as something sacred, tantric and intimately linked to the spirit and connection with others. Therefore, in this kind of sex bible, positions constitute only 20% of its true essence.

So, what exactly is the Kama Sutra?

Starting from the beginning – the etymological origin of the term – the word «kama» means desire (integrating aesthetic and sensual desires), representing one of the four main goals of life (abundance or pleasure of the senses); and, in turn, the word «sutra» means thread/line, referring to the manual.

The Kama Sutra is, therefore, an ancient Hindu book, originally written by a philosopher, who stated that sexual wisdom was a form of meditation and contemplation of divinity. As time progressed, easier to understand and more concise versions emerged, which describe the various forms and the true meaning of human sexual pleasure.

Since the concept comes from Indian culture, which is, not rarely considered more spiritual than others, it ends up associate with the soul. Therefore, the Kama Sutra turns out to be more than a purely sexual manual, since it teaches us to lead a more human life complete and more satisfactory.

Love, family, pleasure and desire. These are the four pillars that make up the Nature of this book, which reveals the importance of all other variants of life, beyond sex.

Sexual positions – and not only

Leafing through the Kama Sutra does not mean you will leaf through just a book full of risky sexual positions and impossible juggling acts. Daily life is also reported in many versions of this book, although the sexuality continues to be its basis par excellence. This is because sex is, here, understood as being the basis of life, being the origin of everything. In the background, it is the “core of existence”.

The premise

Since the Kama Sutra is much more than a list of complex physical challenges – to be put into practice in the bedroom – its premise is based in the belief that reproduction is necessary for the survival of individuals as a whole. For some, reproduction is understood as sex; for others, it is understood as a kind of art of pleasure.

In some older versions of the Kama Sutra philosophy, the involvement of a certain being in sexual activity is understood as an act spiritual, where there is a personal power that can be worked on and improved.

The pragmatic explanation of the various sexual expressions

Yes, this book explains the various sexual positions existing ones, in a very practical and explicit way – with the help of clarifying images, in some cases. But sexual desire is here interpreted as a opportunity for liberation from an individual's personal power. Libido is about itself, not about the other. And the goal is to achieve a more pleasurable life through of this help.

Over time, the Kama Sutra , in its raw state, passed away. improving and adapting to modern life, making people think, wrongly, that when you purchase it you will merely have an instruction manual in your hands for spice up a couple's sex life. In fact, it could be all of this. But it can be even more so, since Indian society talks about sex and love in a much more complete and transcendent.

This time, the merely physical nature of Kama is demystified Sutra , since this is, in fact, a sacred text, which contemplates a guide about the art of living better, understanding the philosophy of love, what triggers sexual desire and the formula to achieve the balance of feminine and male.

Find here two perfect books to improve your knowledge on this topic and add a special touch to your relationship, even if you are alone. Reading about sex can help you prepare to welcome someone into your life in a much more open and healthy way. Will you dive with us in this sea of ​​pleasure?

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