What Does the Spirit of Christmas Have to Teach Us?

At our lives we try to fight to find inner peace, we regret the mistakes of the past, we struggle with our weaknesses and worry about the future. We seek, in an endless spiral, to find our purpose in life through a job, a relationship and leisure. And even though we have the best of intentions, we feel that we need a superhuman effort to make this world a better place.

As December approaches, we are reminded that there is still hope. It's Christmas, and therefore it's a time for companionship, unity and love. Between gifts, decorations and cooking, there is something that is guaranteed: one way or another, we will be together — even if from a distance.

A The truth is that we have reached a point that touches our hearts. The sensitivity, arm in arm with a more awake, clearer, more sentimentalist side voracious, they end up making what matters most in life happen: do good and make others happy.

In this moment of rejoicing that is Christmas, how about we make peace with that member from the family we argued with? How about a sincere apology to that friend we get bored with? How about forgiveness as a clear and clear answer? absolute?

The festive season is the ideal opportunity for reconciliation to happen, the opportunity to celebrate life and to be grateful for the path we have taken here. It is time to overcome the differences between ourselves and those around us and to regain peace in our interpersonal relationships.

We often become frustrated and irritated by other people's mistakes. However, it is important to understand and attribute responsibility for our actions to ourselves, before moving on to attributing blame to those on the other side. It is true that we cannot control other people's attitudes, but it is also true that we are deliberately responsible for our own. Take an active stance against resentment and follow the path of humility (even if, in your mind, the problem is not in you).

Free yourself From the hurts of the past, forgive and move on. Because even if reality of the facts does not indicate that it is your fault, the responsibility to continue bitter and allowing it to overwhelm your days already is.

What would your life be like if you could start over now? A blank page – no blame, no regrets, no bitterness. Think about this, and live in the present.

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