What Makeup to Use With Mask?

In these times, wearing makeup may seem unnecessary to some people. However, the truth is that it has the power to recreate the feeling of normality that has been lost in certain aspects of our lives.

Theoretically, if knowing how to apply makeup is an art, the protective mask will cover half of the “masterpiece”. But does it have to be this way? No, if we channel the energy to the entire area of ​​the face that is visible. Using the protective mask as an extension of our looks – instead of seeing it as something extra – is a good starting point to balance our image with some fun and personality.

We spoke to Sara Castro , our makeup specialist, and asked her to reveal all her tips so that, even when wearing a mask, we can stay looking hydrated and cared for. Read on to find out everything.

How to prevent the foundation from transferring to the mascara?

“One of the main tricks in makeup is to use as little product as possible. To begin with, we must use a primer . Then, it is essential that we know the type of base we will use. If a person needs a lot of coverage, they should use a product suited to that need, which was created exactly to cover a certain, more difficult imperfection”, explains Sara. “Using a light coverage foundation – when what our skin is asking for is superior coverage – will only make us use too much product. We must create a thin layer, but with the right product.”

The second point concerns the importance of always removing excess makeup that remains on the face: “We must remove excess makeup (especially in areas that are more prone to oiliness), lightly tapping it with the Beauty Blender or with a paper towel. makeup absorbent, in order to remove excess product that has not been absorbed.”

Another fundamental tip is to “separate two sheets of Kleenex , placing one of them next to the face so that, with light taps, the translucent powder (without color) can be applied to the areas of the face that are close to the mask”. This step can make all the difference in the result of your make-up , as “the paper will absorb the oil from the skin, while placing the powder exactly where it needs to be”. To finish, and allow the makeup to last all day, “we must use a fixative”, explains the makeup artist.

Highlight the look .

Don't neglect your look. Unruly eyebrows can stand out even more when half of the face is covered. It is crucial that you choose to dedicate a few minutes of your time to combing your eyebrows and ensuring a more well-groomed appearance. Comb the hair upwards, fill in the gaps and apply our Wink eyebrow fixer and strengthener, available in our online store .

You can also choose to curl your lashes and apply a few layers of mascara. Because the objective is to open your eyes, our expert advises avoiding the use of eyeliner and opting to just add some volume to your lashes, lengthening them, using several layers of dark black mascara. The goal is to give definition to your eyes and make them look more open.

With or without makeup, don't forget to take extra care of your skin and follow your skincare routine every day, correctly removing makeup and finishing with a deep cleanse, using a Foreo device, available in our online store, through this link .

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