What are the Best Exercises to Lose Weight?

Summer is coming to an end, and this is the ideal time to try to overcome the excesses committed during the holidays. Below, we explain the first steps to take to stay in shape, even after the bathing season is over.

Where to start?

It is important that we try to create a plan to take action. This means we must find as healthy an approach as possible. The weight of a given person is the sum of their muscle mass, their bone mass (bones), their fat (both body and visceral) and their organs. Given that the two factors that tend to vary most are muscle mass and fat mass, when we refer to the topic “weight” we are referring to these two factors.

When we focus on weight loss, we must consider that we will lose fat and muscle. This muscle reduction can be counterproductive if it is very significant or prolonged. On the other hand, when it comes to fat loss, the truth is that the impact on the scale may not be as high as we would probably expect.

Despite all this, our body goes through a gradual process of recomposition, causing us to lose volume, facilitating our goal: to achieve a more defined body and silhouette, by reducing our fat.

The importance of routine

It is, therefore, important to focus on achieving what we really want. The ideal way to achieve the fat burning we want is to follow a routine with compound exercises, which involve several muscle groups at the same time (i.e. full body exercises), so that an increase in caloric expenditure is possible, which will consequently lead to the initial purpose of greater fat elimination.

What are the best exercises?

Keep in mind some of the best exercises to achieve this, such as burpees , push-ups and box squat jumps; strength training; and exercises that generate the EPOC effect (organic effects that occur with the aim of restoring the state of balance in our body, through the consumption of oxygen after exercise). It should be noted that, through the latter, we are able to continue burning fat after the session has ended.

Always remember to have a functional assessment with a certified professional so that they can help you find the best training for you, without neglecting your well-being and in order to help you achieve your goals in a safe and secure way. progressive.

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