Exercise With Training Tapes to Get Back in Shape

Resistance bands/training tapes: have you tried doing an intensive workout with these tools? If the answer is no, it's time to change that, as the performance of these accessories is quite satisfactory for any type of training.

The resistance band is essential to provide us with a quality workout, because it helps us overcome any intensity we may need. It is an effective tool to complete our routine on days when we cannot go to the gym or, simply, at times when we don't particularly feel like exercising our body.

As a rule, these elastics have different intensities (light, medium and high). But, after all, why should we choose to integrate them into our training routine? The first point is the fact that this product is characterized by its economic accessibility; secondly, because it is very easy to carry in cases where you are planning to travel and do not have the opportunity to go to the gym (this tool will take up practically no space in your luggage). For those who like to exercise at home, elastic bands can also be a good friend, as you can adapt them to any surface and you won't need a huge space to use them. The best part? We can work all our muscle groups.

If recently you have been trying to find a solution to help your muscles not stagnate, elastic bands could be the solution. And if we still haven't managed to convince you that training tapes can change the way you exercise, we must highlight the safety they provide, being less aggressive to your joints. Contrary to what we observe when we use weights or when we opt for functional training, with the elastic band, the movement ends up not being as forced. Thus, through resistance bands, any of our muscles will have the opportunity to rehabilitate and tone in a gradual and healthy way. Enter this link and purchase the Frederica training tapes, now available in our online store. Below, we leave you three examples of exercises, ideal for this type of training.

1st Exercise:

Place the tape at the intensity with which you feel most comfortable on the thigh area, above the knee. Always with the tape taut, creating tension, perform the squat by taking small steps to the side, always keeping the tape taut without ever losing intensity. You can take 10 steps to the right and then 10 steps to the left. Repeat the exercise.

2nd Exercise:

Place the tape around your shins, with your legs shoulder-width apart. Do a small bend in your knees with your hands on your waist or positioned forward. With one of the legs fixed, perform the movement with lateral opening, always keeping the tape in tension. Repeat the exercise on the other leg in the same way. You can do 10 repetitions on each side.

3rd Exercise:

Lying on the floor on a rug, place the tape comfortably around your knees. With the arm that is on the floor, support your head so as not to put pressure on your neck and place the other arm on your waist or leave it in front of your body. The strength will have to come from the leg area. Carry out the opening movement, always leaving tension on the tape. Do 15 lifts and repeat the exercise with the other leg, turning your body to the opposite position.

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