We have a healthy recipe to make on December 25th

Temos Uma Receita Saudável Para Fazer no Dia 25 de Dezembro

The sweetest time of the year has arrived! We are officially surrounded by dreams, children and king cakes. We decided to create a less caloric recipe to enjoy at your leisure: healthy Christmas log.


10 yolks;

90 grams of coconut sugar;

5 egg whites;

Black cocoa powder;

Half a bar of 70% cocoa chocolate;

50 grams of almond drink;

200 ml of low-fat cream.

Preparation method:

Start by beating the egg yolks with a little more than half the sugar. In another container, beat the egg whites with the remaining sugar. Combine the two mixtures and add the cocoa.

Place this dough on a tray lined with parchment paper and bake at 200º C for approximately 30 minutes;

Remove the baked dough from the oven and turn it onto a sheet of baking paper covered in sugar.

For the filling:

Start by boiling the milk with the cream and the chocolate bar. Stir well until a cream forms. Spread the filling over the cake dough that you put in the oven and let it cool. Wrap and place in the fridge for 30 minutes;

Also cover the log with whatever remains of the filling. Decorate to your liking and serve.

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