We are what we think. How to Change Our Reality Through Thought

Somos o Que Pensamos. Como Mudar a Nossa Realidade Através do Pensamento

Yes, your thoughts can (really) transform your reality. One of the fundamental principles of quantum physics – an area of ​​study that describes the behavior of reduced-dimensional physical systems (molecules, atoms, etc.) – is the idea that reality exists in infinite states until we observe it. To do this, we often need to look at situations from other points of view.

We are influenced by what we know, what we believe and what we experience.

We see what we want to see and we see what supports our existing beliefs, ignoring those that do not. This is selective perception in action and it happens automatically. Selective perception acts like a filter on our mind, which means we don't notice everything that's happening around us. If we did, we would probably go crazy from the sensory overload.

Positive thoughts change us – us and the world.

To change our world through our thoughts, we must think with a coherent intention. That is, we must think the same thing daily, believe in what we think, align actions with thoughts and lead our lives in a way that is totally congruent with the nature of our thinking.

Persistent and positive thoughts change the world once they reach a certain intensity. However, to do this it is necessary that your thoughts are powerful enough to change your own actions. Before changing your reality, you will have to transform yourself.

Why is it so difficult to make change happen?

Every thought we experience creates a chemical reaction in the brain that triggers an emotion. As we engage with this thought, it creates a new circuit, which sends a signal to the body, causing us to react in a certain way. The more we repeat this pattern, the more it infiltrates our mind, eventually becoming a habit.

Neuroscientists have already proven that the majority of our decisions, actions, emotions and behaviors depend on 95% of brain activity that is beyond our conscious perception, which means that 95% of our life comes from the programming of our subconscious mind. This is why change is challenging, because we repeat thought patterns so many times that they end up defining who we are and the reality we experience.

What we see is our reality.

When we focus on something, that something expands. This means that we can shape our reality by training our brain to see what serves us. In other words, we can program our brain to see more of what we need to see. We can train you to see the positives in the negatives and to find lessons in our failures. As? Asking questions capable of changing our perception of reality.

When we question ourselves, we interrupt our usual thought process, abandoning our routine and starting to consider other angles. Questions reveal the invisible parts of the equation and can change our thinking patterns.

Examples of questions that can help you find positive perspectives:

The quality of our thoughts creates our quality of life. Ask questions to train your brain. This will require a lot of effort on your part and it won't be enough to do it just once or twice. However, it is a matter of practice and, over time, the results will be visible.

To find the good in every situation, ask yourself: “What good things happened to me today?”;

To look for lessons, regardless of the results, ask yourself: “What can I learn from this?”;

To look for apparent coincidences that bring us closer to our goals, ask yourself: “Why am I so lucky?”

The thoughts you pay attention to are the most powerful. These are your beliefs and they come to define your life and the way you experience it. Ask the questions that will train your brain to see the good side of things and watch your reality change, little by little.

Sources: Omar Itani and Start it Up.

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