Calm Your Mind With Walking Meditation

It originates from Buddhism and can be used as an integral part of a mindfulness practice – walking meditation is one of the best ways to relax on days of extreme anxiety.

Offering a myriad of benefits for our health, this type of meditation can help us feel more balanced and serene, helping us to develop a much more amplified awareness of our body, our thoughts and everything that surrounds us. On deeper levels, it can help us live with the planet, rather than just living in it.

As a rule, this practice involves walking at a slow pace, back and forth, in a straight line or in a circle, and it is also possible to walk a longer distance.

There are three types of specific techniques for practicing this meditation: kinhin (where steps and breathing assume the same rhythm), theravada (to clarify internal states and external situations) and vipassana (technique that presupposes a purification process, eliminating what intoxicates the mind). Generally, there is a walking meditation session between sitting meditations, but these techniques can be even more detailed, so much so that, in some cases, they are divided into more than five stages. At the same time, mantras are incorporated that provide us with greater well-being and balance with the Universe, while paying attention to the way we breathe.

What benefits does practicing walking meditation offer us?

Anxiety decreases .

Firstly, this type of meditative technique allows us to reduce our stress levels. Some international studies revealed that walking would be more effective in reducing anxiety symptoms when combined with meditation. We can meditate before walking or walk before meditating. Both one order and the other work fully.

Physical exercise becomes more enjoyable .

There is a mindfulness aspect very present in this type of meditation. And adding the touch of mindfulness to our physical exercise routine can only make any workout more productive and enjoyable, connecting us in a deeper way to that physical activity.

Walking at a slow pace can also improve our balance and blood circulation – especially when you have been sitting for long periods. By walking, we will facilitate blood circulation, especially in the legs. At the same time, we increase our energy levels and automatically feel more active.

Insomnia and feelings of sadness decrease .

Some studies suggest that regular moderate exercise has a positive effect on the quality of our sleep. In this case, muscle tension is reduced and, as such, it will be easier to feel in better shape, something that will also translate into a reduction in stress , which will consequently allow you to sleep better.

According to Healthline , walking in the morning can increase all these benefits for the body, leaving you with a calmer and clearer mind, ready to sleep deeply and peacefully.

Whenever possible, try to take a walk in nature, in a park, in a garden or in a place with trees. This can increase your overall sense of well-being and help you feel more balanced. It is not necessary for you to do extremely intense training to feel all these improvements in your body.

It's important to stay active and regular exercise is essential in this process, as it helps to increase your fitness levels and improve your mood.

Creativity is stimulated .

Who doesn't need a little extra inspiration these days? Practicing mindfulness can bring you more clarity in your thought patterns, which in turn can stimulate your creativity.

How to practice this type of meditation on a daily basis?

To begin a consistent walking meditation routine, it is important to be aware of the present moment, understanding that this is a habit that takes some time to take root.

Whenever possible, focus on the sounds around you, your breathing or any bodily sensation, tuning into your thoughts and observing them.

Often, walking meditation is used in conjunction with sitting meditation. Therefore, it is worth trying to combine the two types and try to bring out the best that both have to offer. Try doing it as follows:

  • Do a sitting meditation session for 10 minutes, followed by a walking meditation session (if you prefer, you can do the opposite);
  • As you progress and practice, you can increase the duration of each session;
  • Slow down your mind;
  • Slow down for a few minutes, even when you're short on time. Always breathe at a slow and steady pace.

You can watch how your practice progresses with the help of a therapist or a friend. Try writing your progress in a journal and use it as a tool to reflect on your experience. Happy hiking!

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