Juices That Are a Real Energy Boost

At a time like this, all we want is to be more hydrated, healthier and fully prepared to face the heat. We need something that revitalizes us so that we feel capable of facing long sunny days spent on the beach or at the pool; we need even more to feel physically and emotionally fit. With this in mind, we decided to show you the recipe for two different juices: one to stay younger and purify the body; another to help you tan faster. Do you like the idea? So, just keep reading.

Cherry Juice

Cherry is one of the most popular fruits of this season and we cannot take away its merit. In addition to being absolutely delicious, they also contain vitamins, plant compounds and minerals that are very beneficial for our health. They can also boost the body's recovery after physical exercise, as, according to some studies, their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds can help relieve muscle pain and inflammation after training. Another advantage is the fact that it contains beta-carotene (an antioxidant that eliminates toxins and impurities from the body) and folic acid, which is excellent for the health of our hair, nails and skin. Therefore, cherry juice is a great homemade suggestion to regenerate our cells and make our skin more beautiful.


2 cups of cherries;

Half a banana;

300ml of water.

Preparation method:

Wash the fruit well, cut it in half to remove the seeds and add them to the blender along with the water;

After blending well, the juice is ready. Savor it!

Carrot Juice

Carrots are a crunchy, tasty and highly nutritious vegetable. It is also a particularly good source of beta-carotene, fiber, potassium and antioxidants, making it a weight-loss-friendly food. The smoothie we present to you will certainly keep you more protected from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays, while we will also be able to enjoy its antioxidant effect.


1/2 sweet apple;

1 sleeve;

5 carrots;

1/2 cup of spinach;

1/2 cup of parsley;


Preparation method:

Cut the mango and apple, without the seeds;

Peel the carrots;

Grind the parsley with the carrot, spinach and mango;

Add water until the consistency is to your liking.

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