Don't Stand Still! Everything You Need to Know to Start Training at Home

If there's one thing we want to become fashionable after a year in confinement, it's training at home. With more time available for activities at home, why not take the opportunity to look inward and balance some values ​​that have been lost in time (or lack thereof)?

Exercising at home is not only great for creating a healthy lifestyle habit, it is an activity that you can do as a family or simply dedicate that time to yourself, if you prefer, in a moment of self-care .

We have never been forced to be with ourselves for as long as we are now and, therefore, it is time to give priority to what brings us quality of life and self-knowledge. Learning about our bodies during training can also say a lot about who we are.

Where do we start?

For priority: define what training pace you want to maintain for yourself and not let other tasks overlap. Define whether you want to train twice a week for 45 minutes or 1 hour, or if you prefer to exercise four times a week, doing 15 to 30 minute workouts, knowing that we usually get greater results and that we can maintain the practice throughout more time if we do shorter sessions, but more times per week. If the opposite works better for you, then create your priority around these two sessions.

Space dedicated to physical exercise

When we work from home, we are more efficient and produce more if we have a work area dedicated solely to professional life, and this is also the case with physical exercise. Your training session should have a special corner and be minimally prepared for action as soon as it's time for your daily training.

If you don't have adequate space in your home, a balcony or a municipal garden, let your family know that, during your training hours, the side table between the sofa and the television will disappear for the greater good.

Security and Clothing

Still related to the space dedicated to physical activity, is the safety of the place chosen for training. Check that there are no dangers of slipping and that the furniture is far enough away for all exercises, ensuring that you can follow the training you are carrying out without hurting yourself.

Training clothes and sneakers also exist for this same reason, as casual clothes that are tight or uncomfortable will have a negative impact on your exercises and thus on the results you want to see, and the shoes must be suitable for the type of training you do. If it's Yoga , Pilates or low-impact exercises (no jumping or going up/down benches) you can do it barefoot. Keep in mind that socks are slippery on many floors and therefore are not the safest to use on their own. Wear sneakers for weight training and cardiorespiratory training, which seem to bring more stability in some exercises, in addition to not running the risk of hitting your little finger on the couch.


There's so much we can do with just the weight of our body that you can't even imagine! Whether it's to lose weight, tone up or just stay active. But for those looking to do more detailed work, you have the advantage of being able to access very accessible materials that will take your training to another level.

Training tapes and glute activator bands have never been talked about so much, and the truth is that they really work! By adding a pair of dumbbells and a jump rope, or access to some stairs to go up and down, you can incorporate full-body workouts into your routine.

Your Plan

There are many workouts you will find on the Internet , but even though doing something is better than doing nothing, be picky when looking for home workout solutions, just as you are with the clothes you choose to buy or products you choose to use.

Try to get to know the professionals behind the plan you have chosen, or if you know an exercise professional, ask them directly to carry out an assessment and plan for you, or at least give you some tips suited to your specific goals.

Most people who start training and give up after a short time are due to a lack of adjustment to their real situation, which can be avoided from the outset if you choose the plan that best suits you.

You already have all the bases to start, now just take the first step! Follow us on Instagram to see our training tips ! In an era where being at home brings us life, don't give up on something that brings you physical and mental rejuvenation. And if our reality is now at home, let exercise be easy, practical and convenient. By training at home, well and safely, we will also be within the new trends.

Text: Ana Morais | Exercise Physiologist
Instagram: @ana_lucia_morais

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