Tongue Scraper: Find Out Why It’s Worth Using

Raspador de Língua: Saiba Porque Vale a Pena Usá-lo

We all know how to brush our teeth, floss and use mouthwash to maintain good oral hygiene. But... scrape your tongue? You might think this is a recent invention, but this practice has been used for a long time.

Even the biggest stars of oral hygiene, who brush their teeth twice a day and visit the dentist twice a year, may be forgetting an important step, which consists of washing their tongue with the help of a scraper, helping keeping your mouth fresh and healthy.

What is a tongue scraper?

A tongue scraper is a tool used to help clean the tongue, which can come in many shapes and sizes, and is typically small, slightly rounded, and made of plastic or metal.

Why is this type of cleaning important?

Our tongue can also contain bacteria, and not all of them promote a healthy environment in the mouth: some can cause bad breath, tooth decay and gum infections. Therefore, cleaning the tongue is important in order to prevent some bacteria, food debris and dead cells from accumulating on the surface of the tongue, causing problems.

How to proceed with scraping?

First of all, it is important to brush your tongue gently from back to front with a toothbrush, repeating this gesture a few times. After this step, the scraper should be positioned as far back in the mouth as possible, and the tongue should be gently scraped between five and ten times. Rinse the scraper in warm water after each pass, and when finished, rinse it again. At the end, just rinse your mouth, brush your teeth and floss.

The Benefits

According to Healthline , some of the benefits of tongue scraping are:

1. Improved taste, as the tongue may be able to better distinguish between bitter, sweet, salty and sour sensations;

2. Improvement of the appearance of the tongue, as the accumulation of excess particles can make it appear white and coated;

3. Reduction of bacteria responsible for causing bad breath and tooth decay;

4. Improved oral health;

5. Reduction of bad breath.

Are there risks?

The greatest risk is caused by inducing vomiting. If you have a sensitive gag reflex, do not start by scraping the back of your tongue. Instead, start from the middle. As you get used to the process, try washing more deeply.

To protect yourself from possible cuts, scraping should be done gently, without using too much force.

Shaving versus brushing

Brushing your teeth twice a day should not be replaced by scraping your tongue. If you want to start shaving it, you should continue brushing and flossing. All of these steps will contribute to a happier, healthier mouth.

Maintain oral hygiene

If you like the feeling you get after cleaning your tongue, keep it as an integral part of your daily routine. Additionally, to ensure you maintain your oral hygiene, remember to:

1. Brush your teeth twice a day;

2. Eliminate residue between teeth daily, with the help of dental floss;

3. Eat a healthy diet;

4. Visit the dentist regularly to prevent dental problems.

It is essential to ensure that all areas of your mouth are healthy – from your tongue to your gums. If you notice that your tongue has any discoloration or other problems after trying to clean it, make an appointment with your dentist.

Get your first tongue scraper, on sale at Frederica.

If you want to give this miracle oral cleaning tool a try, Frederica has the right solution for you: our new tongue scraper, now available in our online store. Purchase it through this link.

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