Is It Healthy to Wear a Bra?

After spending so much time at home, we had the opportunity to reevaluate many of the rituals that were previously commonplace in our daily lives. And, when it comes to the foundations that support the way we dress, a question arises: do we wear bras just out of habit? If so, is it time to ditch the bra for good?

Tight or inappropriate underwear can make us uncomfortable, or worse: in pain. However, is its use crucial for female intimate health? Even though there are not enough scientific studies on the topic, we have gathered some relevant aspects that could help you make your choice.

Wearing a bra does not improve breast support .

The constant use of this accessory ends up weakening the muscles of the breasts and, as a result, they end up sagging and sagging. Jean-Denis Rouillon, a French doctor, after 15 years analyzing the effect of wearing a bra, concluded that, after all, the volunteers who agreed not to wear this item of clothing had stronger, more elevated breasts. Despite being an inconclusive investigation, since the group of volunteers is not representative of the female population, the idea remains in the air.

Bra straps: a danger to your back and shoulders.

A study that evaluated the well-being of women who left their bra aside revealed that approximately 80% of participants stopped feeling muscle pain in their back and shoulders after a certain period. Meanwhile, the pressure lines in these zones have disappeared.

Free yourself from your bra at night.

Do you sleep in a bra and have poor quality sleep? This could be the perfect combination for a sleepless night. The problem is not in the damage to your breast, but in the discomfort that underwear can cause. Start sleeping without a bra and you will notice some improvements.

Goodbye, sweating .

When going braless , especially in hotter weather, the chest area can become a real swimming pool. But, if you remove your uncomfortable bra, the thermal sensation will decrease and there will be greater “ventilation”, something that will prevent you from sweating excessively.

Save money.

Buying a quality bra is not exactly cheap. You will be able to save money if you avoid going into lingerie stores that you don't really need.

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