Create Your Meditation Space at Home

Crie o Seu Espaço de Meditação em Casa

Our home should be our sanctuary. If you like to meditate, it is very important to create a relaxing and carefully thought-out space for this moment of silence and relaxation, to help you feel calmer, providing you with greater focus on the “now”.

Create your special corner .

Each space in our home is dedicated to its own function. Precisely for this reason, and if meditation is part of your routine, it is important that you try to allocate a specific space for this practice.

Creating this “special corner” will encourage you to continue to maintain this habit in your life and calm your soul whenever you enter that place. Because, if you start meditating several times in that same area, it will end up becoming a true source of positive energy and tranquility.

If you're already thinking that you're going to need a thousand and one objects, you can breathe. As in many other situations in life, less is more. The important thing is to follow your intuition and choose the room where you feel most at peace. You don't need to completely transform a room, but it is important that it is free from clutter and clutter, which cause agitation in your mind.

After choosing the room and space itself, you need to know how to choose the ideal shades for the decoration. Which colors give you the most security and serenity? Think about them and choose them. Choose to use accessories made from natural materials and, to make the place more welcoming, candles, mattresses, blankets and cushions are welcome and will always look good.

Airs of Nature are fundamental.

Another interesting point will be to bring a touch more connected to Nature to this space, in order to make it more inviting and welcoming. Decorate the place with plants. This way, your air quality will improve significantly and you will end up feeling much more connected with Mother Earth. Remember to choose the type of light that makes you feel better and allows you to concentrate better. Natural light will always be an excellent option.

Finish with a touch of magic!

Now that you have your special corner, you can place an incense in your space that transports your mind to peaceful places. Turn down the lights, light some candles and relax. Take the opportunity to finish your decoration with the magical touch of stones such as quartz, amethyst or selenite, which are true sources of positive energy. And if you don't believe crystals have power, don't worry — pretty stones are the most exquisite placebo ever!

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