Advice for Traveling Alone

Traveling alone, like an inner discovery that enriches our palette of emotions, as an expression of human freedom. Could this growth experience hide some science? Or does putting on a backpack to cross the ocean not address any specific set of needs, other than the thirst to experience something new? Let us not prolong this dispute. We are here to let you decide the answers for us.

Dora Matos is the personification of the spirit of adventure – not excessive, but conscious and awake, devoid of materialistic concepts that inhibit us. Natural and simplistic, practical and without whims, genuine and fearless, Dora is the one who shows us that at 27 years old it is possible to travel the world without fear – and she shows it for the right reasons. It is on his healthy living blog that he invites us to find out more about sport, food and, of course: travel.

Enjoying being still isn't something that appears in her style book: she's been to Mexico, Cape Verde, Romania and, more recently, she headed to Southwest Asia. Destiny is unpredictable – the circle of possibilities has no limit. Following your instinct is the only rule.

We asked Dora ( the Explorer? ) to give some advice to all those who are thinking about moving to a new place – alone. You can start planning your itinerary by following some fundamental tips, in the words of the blogger , namely:

1. Prepare your itinerary and route very well and find out about your destination.

Explore the opinions that exist about your destination on travel blogs and Tripadvisor (what the area is like, what you would like to do there...). Furthermore, you must understand the logistics (i.e.: how do you get there, what type of transport is most recommended and its price, how far is the transport stop from your hotel...). Having this organized in advance will make you feel safer and more relaxed when you arrive at your destination. Furthermore, it will also make you aware of the details and it will be more difficult to be fooled upon arrival. Anything can happen, so be prepared!

2. Trust hotels, not street services.

Asking for advice at hotels is always a good strategy. They know the area and want customers to be satisfied and happy. Furthermore, they will also appreciate having a good review . Therefore, it is much more likely that they will provide you with more trustworthy and quality contacts than on the street. In the case of transport, for example, before moving to your next destination, always ask your hotel for advice. Remember that not all countries offer public transport, as is customary in the West. In Bali and other islands in Indonesia, for example, there are no buses that we are used to seeing. These are private vans with ten seats (and sometimes not even that) and usually have to be reserved in advance.

3. Always go with (at least) one night booked.

Having made a reservation means being sure that you will arrive at the hotel and that you will have somewhere to sleep that night. Additionally, some hotels have the option of free cancellation. The Booking app is another great friend when traveling!

4. SIM card: a must-have !

At a time when we are constantly looking for information, it is essential to travel with Internet on your cell phone. It can help a lot and avoid a lot of problems and wasted time. It is essential to invest in a SIM card (in Southwest Asia, for example, they are very economical.)

5. Power bank , always!

Running out of battery is a 21st century thing (with so many gadgets !). But it's unthinkable for someone traveling the world alone. We can't let our cell phone battery die when we travel alone. The cell phone will always be “our faithful friend and best advisor”. But don't forget to "disconnect" from technology from time to time. It is also essential to enjoy your trip.

6. At night, all cats are brown!

Avoid arriving at an unknown destination at night. No matter how much you know "more or less" where the hotel is, it's always uncomfortable to arrive somewhere new at night, don't you agree? It can cause you insecurity and bad feelings . Furthermore, it could constitute a real danger (it doesn't mean it will happen, but it could happen).

7. Download a map of each city you visit.

It's always a safe bet... and free. The application works offline and is a great recommendation to have on your cell phone, don't forget it and get lost. It's super useful for when you arrive in a new city, when you haven't bought a SIM card yet and don't yet have Internet to search for any information. A top app !

8. Follow your instinct.

There are streets and people that don't inspire us. Try not to pass through dark streets. If you see that someone is not trustworthy, try to escape. But above all, follow your instinct. Instinct is what serves us for personal survival.

9. Talk to people.

By talking to people you will share ideas and experiences! It's always rewarding.

10. Dress according to the culture of the area.

Calm! You don't need to wear a burka . However, the way you dress can be conspicuous and sometimes a reason for harassment on the street, and this is not very pleasant because it can cause discomfort and discomfort. It's sad and revolting, but we must think that there are countries where machismo prevails and where women are still seen as mere objects. Wear a knee-length skirt and a small cardigan that covers your shoulders (this should be done especially when visiting temples).

11. Bring an international driving license!

It may be necessary. If the police stop you without having this document, they may fine you, and that is not pleasant.

12. Take a backpack instead of a rolling suitcase.

An adventurer doesn't carry a rolling suitcase around her life. If you are going on a long trip, choose to take a backpack, as it is more practical to carry. Oh, and only take what you need inside! Important: clothes are washed, remember that!

13. Take a credit card.

You cannot travel without a credit card. Suitable for any emergency, it is essential!

14. Lie if you feel necessary.

If you feel "cramped" at any point, lie and say you're not alone.

15. Never take your passport with you on a walk!

This document is probably the most important thing you have in your wallet. Without it, you literally can't do anything. They ask you for this document when crossing borders between countries, at the airport (of course), in hotels... Therefore, it is best to leave it at the hotel, inside your suitcase (locked with a padlock) and inside a safe (if any).

16. Take two padlocks (at least) and always close your suitcase before leaving the hotel.

In case one gets lost, there's the other. Before heading out, don't forget to padlock your suitcase and, if possible, place valuables in a safe.

17. Bring all documents printed and duplicated.

Take at least a copy of your passport and Citizen Card, in addition to the originals, of course. Additionally, send scanned copies to your email and to the email of a friend or family member.

18. Send your location to a friend.

Whatsapp has a very good and safe option, which is "share location with a friend" (you can decide whether to share for 15 minutes, 1 hour or 1 day). If you have Internet, you will always be located because the app tracks it in real time and the person you share it with will know, in real time, where you are.

19. Apps that cannot be missing from your cell phone: Booking, Tripadvisor,, Google Maps, Gmail, Whatsapp.

We are faced with a set of advice from a blogger who learned, for herself, the real challenge of giving your soul to this experience of exploring the continents. In Dora's words, these are "tips based on her own experience, to make your trip safer and more enjoyable!”.

And then? Ready for the adventure? the world is waiting for you.

Instagram: @doramatosblog

Facebook: @doramatosblog

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