These Are the Easiest Exercises to Do at Home

If there's one thing that isn't always easy for us to do, it's exercising at home. You might tell yourself that today is the day you're going to train, but you'll probably find 100 other things you need (or maybe?) to do.

So that you don't continue to sabotage your plans and your exercise routine and stop making excuses, we tell you about simple gestures that will help you stay in shape and stay toned, even when you're at home. Your living room will be your gym for the next few days. Ready?

Walk on foot

Gluttony takes over us and ruins the hard work we do in each training session. The scale is unforgiving when your diet exceeds certain limits and it is precisely for this reason that we have thought of some exercises that will save you from the feelings of guilt and anguish that arise when you realize your new weight.

This way, you can start by acquiring the healthy and active habit of walking (properly protected) ten minutes after meals. After lunch, snack or dinner, we should walk for ten minutes to facilitate digestion and increase daily energy expenditure.

Did you know that we shouldn't stay at the table for too long after meals? We must, yes, establish our own limits and, at the same time, occupy our day with other types of activities whose central theme does not involve food. Try to avoid overindulging, which will only make it more difficult to get back to the weight you really want.

Going up and down stairs

Do you live in a building without an elevator? If so, this is one of the best exercises you can do: going up and down stairs. You should take advantage of every opportunity in your day to stay active and work your body's muscles, especially because stairs are (really) an excellent way to make you burn those extra calories. Avoid sitting all day.


Doing several squats per hour can be something that will help you too. Try sitting and lifting your body several times in these short periods of time, so that you can burn calories, improve your balance and acquire better body posture, also strengthening your abdominal area and glutes.

Sometimes, it is symbolic choices that make a difference. Remember this and start exercising now and avoid the tendency to be sedentary.


Meditation is the process of training your mind to focus and redirect your thoughts.

You can use it to increase your level of consciousness and reduce stress , at the same time as developing your ability to concentrate, something very important at the stage we are in.

There are also other benefits associated with this practice, such as improving your mood and increasing positive perspectives, self-discipline and healthier sleep patterns.

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