These Are the Crystals That Should Be in Your Office

When increasing our productivity and promoting creativity and inspiration seems like a real challenge, crystals can be the salvation. Raising the vibrations of your workspace and paving the way for better communication can be facilitated with the help of these sacred minerals.

Your desk should be your sanctuary and should reflect your self-identity. It should keep you protected from external negative influences and promote your professional prosperity. Nothing like giving this special space an affectionate, purifying and healing touch, while decorating it with soul.

Crystals radiate positive energies, as long as they are previously cleansed and energized. They are also a source of motivation and protection, which helps us feel more balanced and improve our vibrational pattern towards frequencies that are as positive as possible.

Remember to place the crystals on the left side of your office desk.

Amethyst is linked to the third eye and is known for its stress -reducing properties, as well as the fact that it can induce logical thinking; carnelian, in turn, is a beneficial stone for revitalizing our energy and increasing our creativity; Selenite helps us connect with our intuition, allowing us to listen to our inner voice and follow that same guidance. This last mineral is one of the most important, as it triggers exceptional results in very sensitive people, maintaining a harmonious balance throughout their work space, being able to eliminate stagnant and/or negative energies.

Another element that will make a difference on your work desk is rose quartz, as it promotes feelings of self-love, essential for carrying out a new professional project. This is a stone that also promotes care for our own being.

Remember to place the crystals on the left side of your office desk, as this is the side most likely to receive energy.

Purchase Frederica crystals and purify the energy of your spaces

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