These Are the Color Strategies You Should Apply to Home Decor

Estas São as Estratégias de Cor Que Deve Aplicar na Decoração do Lar

You don't need a large amount of new furniture to make impactful changes to your home's decor. The secret may just be in the colors you use. Colorful paint is the easiest and most economical way to update your space, creating an accent wall in your rooms.

Colors are a powerful communicative tool that can convey a message and impact our mood. While white can indicate freshness and purity, yellow is energetic and vibrant. Gray and beige, in turn, are classic minimalist tones that are simple, but at the same time elegant.

One way to boost color in a neutral space is with potted plants and flowers to add a subtle green touch to any area. Not only are natural elements easy on the eyes, they can also clean the air and optimize your well-being by releasing oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide.

Cushions, rugs and painted furniture can positively influence the color scheme of your home, and to make it look visibly more organized, the ideal is to choose two shades for each area. Understand the energy you want to give to each space so you can follow the next steps.

Trends & Feng Shui

The home paint industry presents us with new trends every year. What we can do with them is find a style that we like and incorporate it into our home, adopting a color palette that we want to highlight.

Coloring art is perfect for adding more energy to spaces, especially when the object is a neutral wall. Although the power of stronger tones is undeniable, if you want to transform a certain area into a more peaceful place, this will not be the best option (you will have to save it for areas you want to enhance). If you love intense tones, don't feel limited to using them just in vases or cushions – you can transport them to an armchair or even a central table.

Understanding the basic principles of Feng Shui is also something that can help you create a calming space in your home. To obtain the benefits of the color balance dictated by this philosophy – without needing to resort to Asian or modern styles in your decoration – you will need to include a base color, a mid-tone color and some lighter details on the wall you want to paint. This is the way to achieve the creation of a more relaxed space. Leave aside the clutter of tones and objects. Clutter is a visual distraction, which can increase stress . A living room with only essential furniture pieces like a sofa, a coffee table, a piece of art and a few plants will reduce this clutter. Keep things as minimal, elegant, and uplifting as possible.

New shades on the ceiling

Think of the ceiling as a space to create an accent wall. Painting the ceiling with a different shade is a trend that grows stronger every season, giving your rooms a new finish. A square room or one without architectural details becomes more interesting with a colorful ceiling. Choose neutral paint or a lighter shade of the wall color to open up the room.


Decorating with a monochromatic color palette is the easiest way to create a relaxing environment. Starting from a base tone, a scheme is constructed with lighter and darker tones that arise from it. For the most part, monochromatic color schemes are based on neutral colors. However, neutrality is not always synonymous with beige or grey. Metals such as gold, silver, bronze and copper work well with dark brown in a neutral palette. On the other hand, you can add blue or pale pink to cold whites.

Colors and moods

The color of your home should make you feel good as soon as you walk in the door. Otherwise, you will never truly feel at home. The tones that paint your walls should have the function of boosting your mood and making you more relaxed.

Change comes when inspiration arrives. And this source of inspiration can come from anywhere. Powerful quarantines inspire creativity, and your creative process can be born from an image you found in a magazine or a painting you saw in a museum. From there, it will be easier to understand which decorative line you want to follow to make your spaces special. Creating a folder of inspiring images on Pinterest that put you in a good mood is an easy way to gather your ideals, taking the first steps towards a true decorative transformation.

Article adapted Financial Times.

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