Discover the Various Ways to Improve Your Energy Vibration

Descubra as Várias Formas de Melhorar a Sua Vibração Energética

As with everything that exists in the Universe, we all vibrate and create energy. Our body is made up of energy-producing particles that are in constant movement.

According to the knowledge of vibrational medicine, we can use our energy to optimize our health and well-being. Although more conclusive studies are needed on this topic, in order to have a greater understanding of how electrical energy in the body stimulates its chemical processes, there is some evidence that these energies can be used to influence our health.

What are vibrations?

According to Marney White, clinical psychologist and author on Healthline , vibrations are a kind of rhythm, with rhythms being something that happens on a large scale – seasonal changes, for example – or something that happens inside our body. The latter may constitute certain physiological processes, such as heartbeats, respiratory rates and circadian rhythms. However, there are other, much smaller vibrations happening in the body, within the molecules in our cells.

These vibrations arise from waves of electromagnetic energy which, according to research already carried out, contain electromagnetic energy capable of causing changes in cells, altering the functioning of the organism. Likewise, our thoughts and behaviors also affect the body's rhythms. Anxious thoughts trigger, for example, the release of hormones associated with stress , which, in turn, stimulate our heart rate to speed up or slow down. The sound vibrations of music, in the same way, affect thoughts, emotions and bodily systems.

In the view of some experts in vibrational energy, it is also possible to accelerate or slow down the vibrations that occur at the cellular and atomic level, changing the way we think and act, as well as what surrounds us. Thus, there are certain more positive emotions and thought patterns (joy, peace, etc.), capable of creating high frequency vibrations, and negative feelings (fear, revolt, anger, etc.), which represent a lower vibration.

Spiritual Tools According to Lalah Delia, Spiritual Writer

According to writer and certified spiritual practitioner Lalah Delia, our vibration is our emotional and mental state. Higher vibrations inspire us, nourishing and healing the body and mind; low vibrations, in turn, cause us to experience worries, blockages and imbalances. In this way, when we choose a higher vibration instead of a lower vibration, we are able to live happier. A low vibration, in turn, takes us away from that purpose. This is why it is so important to work on our vibrational balance. According to the expert, there are some simple ways to do this daily.

1. Conscious communication

Conscious communication is a real game changer. The way we talk to others also represents the way we talk to ourselves. This awareness must arise, in the first instance, through ourselves. Adjusting your tone and making it more patient, positive, and compassionate as we communicate will cause an immediate shift in our vibration.

2. Music

As music is one of the oldest forms of medicine, it also carries a certain vibration – high or low; calming or disturbing; inspiring or stimulating. Create playlists that make you calmer, happier and more confident, to have a good impact on your energy frequency.

3. Decompression

Taking time to restore your body and mind is fundamental to your well-being. Take energetic cleansing salt baths, light a white candle and find your own ritual to achieve your immaterial faith.

4. Food

All foods have a high or low vibration. As magnetic beings, we take on the energy and vibration of everything we put into our organism. By consuming healing and herbal foods (derived from plants), instead of foods that stimulate our stress response (chemically processed foods, sugar, coffee, etc.), we will be increasing our vibrational frequency.

5. Meditation and vibrational awareness

Meditation is a scientifically proven method that changes our consciousness. A calm mind is a powerful mind, which helps us to experience the situation we are going through with greater tranquility. The more consistent your meditation habit, the easier it will be to achieve a state of inner calm and the better the results and benefits you will obtain in your daily life.
To maintain a stable and desirable vibrational field, notice everything that raises your vibration and repeat these acts. Consistently doing what raises your vibrational standard, daily, builds a new reality and a new life. Wherever you are, the vibration is also there. Take this awareness and use this power wisely.


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