The Various Types of Female Orgasm

The most desired final moment between four walls? The orgasm. We all want it, but not all of us achieve it. There are women who have orgasms every week – but there are women who never feel the desired euphoria. If this is one of these cases, we bring you a little science to help you reach this peak of pleasure.

An orgasm, regardless of the person having it, is a climax in the arousal process. One study divides this maximum degree of pleasure into four phases:

  • The build-up of excitement, where small pangs of desire are felt as the body prepares;

  • The state of constant pleasure, in which breathing intensifies;

  • Orgasm, as an explosion of pleasure and release;

  • Finally, relaxation.

While the other person's expectations of our orgasms – and our own interest in experiencing orgasm – may make us feel like we need to reach that peak every time we have sex, the fact is that this kind of pressure can harm the quality of our orgasms. sexual intercourse. A happy sex life doesn't necessarily mean having a mind-blowing orgasm during every sexual experience.

Many people report that not all orgasms are the same, as our minds and bodies change from day to day. Therefore, expecting a certain type of stimulation to always cause the same experience is unrealistic. Orgasm is just one of many important elements of sexual satisfaction. However, according to a study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine , the longer sex lasts, the more likely you are to experience the "big O."


During orgasm, the vagina, uterus and anus (and sometimes other parts of the body) contract rapidly several times. According to the American publication Healthline , a woman can also ejaculate, releasing a liquid from the urethra that contains a mixture of whitish fluid from the periurethral glands and urine.

However, since sex doesn't have a manual, this isn't always what happens. It is essential to know yourself and find what your body likes most, so that you can then verbalize those needs.

How many types of female orgasm are there?

Many scientific articles state that there are between 4 and 15 different types of orgasms. It has not yet been fully proven that different stimuli can cause different types and/or intensities of this peak of pleasure.

clitoral orgasm

The standard orgasm. Clitoral stimulation is probably the easiest way to have an orgasm. These orgasms result from direct stimulation of the clitoris and are described as "explosive and short-lived," according to a study published in the academic journal NeuroQuantology .

Containing countless nerve endings, the clitoris is located at the front of the female vulva. When orgasm happens, this small organ increases in size and becomes more sensitive as the person becomes more excited.

Vaginal orgasm

Also known as the G-spot orgasm, vaginal orgasm is often achieved through sexual intercourse, and not necessarily through clitoral stimulation. These orgasms are described as being “full-body” and last longer than clitoral orgasms. Women who report having vaginal orgasms may also be more likely to have multiple orgasms.

Combined orgasm

This type of orgasm occurs when clitoral and vaginal orgasms occur simultaneously. It is known that these orgasms last between 1 and 15 minutes, culminating in high-level pleasure.

Stimulation of erogenous zones

Orgasms caused by stimulation of parts of the body other than the genitals have not yet been the subject of much research. Some studies suggest that it is possible to have orgasms through stimulation of the mouth, nipples, breasts, and anus.

Other areas of the body, such as the ears, neck, elbows and knees, can still, according to Healthline , cause a pleasurable reaction when kissed and touched. In more sensitive people, this continuous stimulation can lead to orgasm.

anal orgasm

These orgasms are much more common in men due to the prostate, but can also be achieved through stimulation of the outside of the anal opening and the inside of the anus.


In any type of sexual relationship, communication is key. Telling the other person what you want – and how you want it – is the best way to guarantee maximum pleasure. You can ask for what you want in words or through your body language. The important thing is to communicate.

Experiencing and achieving orgasm does not require another person. Your pleasure depends on you. All bodies are different and the path taken to reach orgasm involves several attempts and discoveries.

Sources: Clue and Healthline

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